Fiona Bruce Speaks Out: Manipur Violence Takes Center Stage in UK

PM Modi and Fiona-Bruce
PM Modi and Fiona-Bruce

London :  The ongoing violence between two communities in Manipur, which began on May 3, has sparked international concern. The issue has now reached the UK Parliament, drawing attention from Britain’s special ambassador for religious freedom and MP, Fiona Bruce. In a recent session in the lower house of Britain, she accused the BBC of not accurately reporting the Manipur violence. This article delves into the situation, shedding light on the atrocities committed and the urgent need for attention and intervention.

The Unfolding Crisis

The situation in Manipur has escalated significantly, with devastating consequences for its communities. Since the violence erupted, several hundred churches have been burnt, leaving more than 100 people dead. The unrest has forced over 50 thousand people to flee their homes in search of safety and security. The attacks have not been limited to churches alone; schools affiliated with these places of worship have also been targeted.

The Role of Religion in the Attacks

One alarming aspect that has emerged from the ongoing violence is the apparent role of religion in fueling these attacks. Fiona Bruce highlighted this concerning trend during her parliamentary address. The attacks seem to be premeditated, with religious motivations exacerbating the tensions and violence. It has created an environment of fear and uncertainty among the people of Manipur.

Cry for Help

Fiona Bruce emphasized that the people of Manipur are desperate for assistance in the face of such atrocities. With lives lost and communities torn apart, there is an urgent need for intervention and support. The situation demands immediate attention from the global community to address the humanitarian crisis and put an end to the violence that continues to ravage the region.

International Response

The issue has garnered international attention, and organizations focusing on religious freedom have been closely monitoring the situation. Fiona Bruce cited a report on international religious freedom that served as the basis for her statements. It is essential for the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Manipur and take necessary actions to restore peace and stability.

The Role of the Church of England

Fiona Bruce raised an important question in the UK Parliament – what can the Church of England do to help those in Manipur who are suffering? Given the historical connection between the UK and Manipur, there is a sense of moral responsibility to respond effectively to the crisis. The Church of England, along with other religious institutions and organizations, can play a vital role in providing support and aid to the affected communities.

The Need for Accurate Reporting

Bruce’s accusation against the BBC for inadequate reporting underscores the significance of media coverage in crises like the one in Manipur. Transparent and accurate reporting is crucial in raising awareness and mobilizing support from the global community. The media must play a responsible role in highlighting the gravity of the situation and its implications on human lives.


The situation in Manipur is dire, with violence and destruction continuing to grip the region. Fiona Bruce’s efforts to raise the issue in the UK Parliament bring much-needed attention to the crisis. The international community must respond with compassion and urgency to address the humanitarian challenges and work towards lasting peace and reconciliation in Manipur.


  1. What sparked the violence in Manipur?
    The violence in Manipur erupted between two communities on May 3, but the root causes of the conflict may be complex and multifaceted.
  2. How many churches have been affected by the violence?
    Since the outbreak of violence, several hundred churches have been burnt, leading to significant damage and loss.
  3. Has the violence affected schools in Manipur?
    Yes, schools affiliated with the targeted churches have also faced attacks, disrupting education and adding to the humanitarian crisis.
  4. What role does religion play in the attacks?
    Religion appears to be a significant factor in exacerbating tensions and motivating the violence in Manipur.
  5. How can the international community help the people of Manipur?
    The international community can extend aid and support to the affected communities, work towards restoring peace, and promote religious freedom and tolerance.


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