Government has decided to extend the date of implementation of the full MNP in the networks

narendra modi invcINVC NEWS
New Delhi,
The Government has approved recommendations of TRAI on Full Mobile Number Portability (MNP) on 3rd November, 2014. The same was to be implemented within a period of 6 months.

Various steps were taken for implementation of Full MNP. TRAI has also issued a regulation on 25th February, 2015 for the same. This regulation prescribed the elaborated process/steps for implementation of Full MNP in actual scenario when the number is to be ported. Detailed discussions were held with stakeholders to address various technical complexities emerged while implementing the Full MNP in the networks.

The various operators have already put in place hardware and software in their system required for implementation of Full MNP. Internal testing by these operators is in advanced stage. The detailed final testing is schedule to commence shortly and is likely to be completed in two months for most of the operators.

In view of above, the Government has decided to extend the date of implementation of the full MNP in the networks by two months.


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