Chill Waves in North India: Exploring Frozen Landscapes in Kashmir, Himachal, and Rajasthan


New Delhi : The icy embrace of winter has tightened its grip on North India, with Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and even the desert state of Rajasthan feeling the bone-chilling effects. From frozen lakes to cascading snowfalls, let’s embark on a journey through the frosty wonders of the region.

Chilling Stats

1. Frigid Realities in Rajasthan

  • Sub-zero surprise: Fatehpur in Sikar records a bone-chilling 3.9 degrees Celsius.
  • Across the state: Churu, Sikar, and Alwar shiver with minimum temperatures of 6.4, 6.5, and 6.8 degrees Celsius, respectively.

2. Snow Blanket in the Hills

  • Winter Wonderland: Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand witness heavy snowfall, transforming the entire North into a freezing spectacle.
  • Life in freeze-frame: From mountains to Rajasthan’s deserts, the cold spell disrupts daily life.

Deep Freeze in Odisha

3. Eastern Icicles

  • Odisha’s shivers: Most regions record temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius.
  • Coolest corners: Kandhamal and Sundargarh districts report the lowest at 8 degrees Celsius.

4. Capital Freeze

  • Bhubaneswar and Cuttack feel the chill with temperatures plummeting to 13 degrees Celsius.

Water Woes in Himachal

5. Kullu’s Liquid Lockdown

  • Icy repercussions: Kullu faces water supply disruptions due to extreme cold.
  • Rural impact: Around 30 water supply projects in rural areas affected.

6. Tourist Freeze

  • Cold tourism: Kullu, Manali, and Banjar witness a surge in tourists seeking the enchanting snowfall.

Himalayan Hues

7. Leh’s Deep Freeze

  • Thermometer dip: Leh records a bone-chilling minus 10.4 degrees Celsius.
  • Frozen landscapes: Gulmarg at minus 8.0, Pahalgam at minus 5.8, and Kupwara at minus 2.2 degrees Celsius.

8. Srinagar’s Subzero Soirée

  • Subzero nights: Srinagar experiences a minimum of 0.5 degrees Celsius.

Weather Forecast

9. Snow Predictions and Cold Waves

  • Clear skies till December 21.
  • Possible snowfall in some mountainous regions on December 22-23.
  • Subzero temperatures continue until December 28.


1. Is the extreme cold affecting day-to-day life in North India?

Yes, the intense cold is disrupting normal life, especially in hilly regions and desert areas.

2. How are tourist destinations coping with the cold wave?

Tourist spots like Kullu, Manali, and Gulmarg are experiencing an influx of visitors eager to witness the mesmerizing snowfall.

3. Are water supply projects the only ones affected in Himachal?

Yes, the extreme cold has disrupted water supply projects in Himachal Pradesh, impacting rural areas significantly.

4. Are there any relief measures in place for the affected regions?

Local authorities are taking steps to address the challenges posed by the cold wave, especially in terms of water supply and essential services.

5. How long is the cold wave expected to last in North India?

The cold wave is predicted to persist until at least December 28, with occasional snowfall in certain areas.

In the embrace of winter’s icy charm, North India transforms into a magical world of snow and frost, inviting both awe-struck tourists and challenges for the locals. As we navigate this chilly journey, let’s appreciate the beauty and resilience that winter brings to the diverse landscapes of the region. Stay warm, stay safe!


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