Human Rights Commission ceases to exist in Jammu and Kashmir


In August 2019, with the abrogation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, the state was bifurcated into two Union Territories by the Central Government. Since then, the Human Rights Commission of Jammu and Kashmir has ceased to exist, leaving over 8 thousand cases of human rights violations locked away in files.

The Human Rights Commission of Jammu and Kashmir

The Human Rights Act was enacted in May 1997 in Jammu and Kashmir, and the commission was formed in August 1997. It was established to investigate and provide recommendations and advice on matters related to human rights. The commission also had an investigation unit to carry out inquiries into alleged human rights violations.

The impact of the abolition of the Human Rights Commission

The non-existence of the Human Rights Commission in Jammu and Kashmir has created a void in the fight against human rights abuses in the region. With the cases of fake encounters and torture being kept locked away in files, the people of the region are now solely dependent on the police and administration to ensure their safety and protection.

The cessation of the commission is a violation of human rights and raises concerns about the lack of accountability and transparency in the region. The commission played a critical role in the investigation and recommendation of cases related to human rights abuses. Without it, the people of Jammu and Kashmir have lost a vital institution that served as a platform for the promotion and protection of their fundamental rights.

The Way Forward

The government must take immediate steps to establish a new Human Rights Commission in Jammu and Kashmir. This new commission should be empowered to investigate and report on all allegations of human rights abuses and provide recommendations and advice to the government on how to prevent such violations.

Moreover, the government must also ensure that all cases of human rights abuses are adequately investigated, and those responsible are held accountable for their actions. It is the responsibility of the government to protect the human rights of its citizens, and the establishment of a new commission would be a significant step in this direction.


The cessation of the Human Rights Commission in Jammu and Kashmir is a significant setback in the fight for human rights in the region. The commission played a vital role in investigating and recommending cases related to human rights abuses, and its non-existence has left a void in the region’s fight against human rights violations. The government must take immediate steps to establish a new commission that is empowered to investigate and report on all allegations of human rights abuses and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.


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