We must commit ourselves to a progressive growth in professional efficiency of our personnel : Air Chief Marshal


Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne PVSM AVSM VM ADCINVC,


The two-days Station Commanders’ Conference of New Delhi based Western Air Command began today. The annual Conference which was inaugurated by the Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne PVSM AVSM VM ADC, is being attended by Commanders of all formations under Western Air Command and the Principal Staff Officers of the Command.  Addressing the Commanders, Air Marshal  Arup Raha, Air officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Air Command, said, “ The accelerated pace of development of operational infrastructure and new inductions, has helped the Command to achieve enhanced firepower and consequently a high level of operational preparedness. The dedication and commitment displayed by our personnel in making the newly inducted SU-30, C-130J and MI – 17 V5 squadrons, Air Defence sensors and communication systems fully operational in a short span of time deserves appreciation. These latest inclusions into the Command arsenal have increased our potency manifold and catapulted our offensive potential to newer heights”. He said that the IAF was fast becoming a technology-driven,  network-centric force boasting of an impressive array of technological acquisitions. He added that in order to effectively contribute in this transformational phase of the IAF, the Commanders needed to have an absolute clarity of vision, single-minded approach to mission accomplishment and right priortisation of tasks.           Emphasising the need for maintaining a balanced perspective amidst this rapid capability enhancement, he said that the technological advancements in the IAF demanded high standards of technical expertise and an excellence oriented approach from all our personnel. He said that in order to exploit our fighting potential to the fullest, we need to concentrate our efforts towards qualitative improvement of the workforce in terms of professional skills and acumen. Adding, he said “we must commit ourselves to a progressive growth in professional efficiency of our personnel through continued training and by affording opportunities for significant exposure and experience”.            Acknowledging the collective efforts of the stations in meeting the increasing operational demands of this Command, he said that the emerging security environment of the region calls for persistent focus and relentless vigil. He said that optimum utilisation of our resources and safety and security of our valuable assets would give us an advantage as a cutting-edge fighting force and would give a fillip to our endeavours in meeting newer and bigger challenges.

 In the course of this Conference the Commanders will focus on key issues such as operations, infrastructure development, inductions, aerospace safety and human resource development. Jointmanship with the three affiliated Army Commands would also be discussed and reviewed to bring greater synergy in air-land operational plans and concepts


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