The slap of surgical strike and airstrike shook Pakistan: PM Modi

Narendra Modi

Palamu : Prime Minister Narendra Modi targeted Pakistan while addressing an election rally in Palamu, Jharkhand on Saturday (May 4). He said that the slap of surgical strike and airstrike had shaken Pakistan. Targeting the Congress, he said that earlier the timid Congress government used to go to the world and cry. But today Pakistan is becoming famous all over the world. He is shouting help, help.

Addressing the people, PM Modi said that you all know very well the importance of your one vote. In 2014, your one vote did such a thing that the whole world started saluting the strength of India’s democracy. He said that in 2014, you had removed the corrupt Congress government with your one vote. Your one vote formed the BJP-NDA government. Today, with the power of this one vote of yours, India is making waves in the entire world.

Article 370 buried with the power of your one vote: PM Modi

In the public meeting in Palamu, PM Modi said that with the power of your one vote, the wall of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir was buried in the ground. In our Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh, from Pashupati to Tirupati, Naxalism spread terrorism and bled the land. He said that your one vote fulfilled the hopes of many mothers and freed this earth from Naxalite terrorism.

Pakistan is becoming global: PM Modi

Taking aim at Pakistan and Congress, PM Modi said that there was a situation when the cowardly Congress government used to cry all over the world after the terrorist attack, but today the situation is that Pakistan is crying all over the world. He said that today the leaders of Pakistan are praying to make the prince of Congress the PM. But a strong India now wants a strong government. The whole of India is saying – Strong government for strong India.

‘New India enters the house and kills’

PM Modi said that the slap of surgical strike and airstrike had shaken Pakistan. Every month the dead bodies of army soldiers used to come wrapped in the tricolor. Today that situation is no longer there. The cowardly Congress government used to go out and cry in the world. Today Pakistan is crying all over the world, shouting save us. He said that the new India does not send the dossier, it enters the house and kills.

Not a single scam allegation in 25 years: PM Modi

Talking about his dedication towards the countrymen, PM Modi said that with your blessings it will now be 25 years since I served the countrymen as CM and PM. In these 25 years, with your blessings, Modi has not been accused of even a single penny scam. He said that even today, away from position, prestige, happiness and prosperity, I am still the same as you had sent me here. Modi was born not for fun, but for a mission.


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