The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, recently responded to a tweet thread by Smt Sangeeta Kumari Singh Deo, Member of Parliament from Balangir, Odisha. The tweet thread shed light on the issue of malnutrition and the steps being taken to tackle it through awareness and mass participation.
Impact of Poshan Abhiyan
In her tweet thread, MP Balangir, Odisha spoke about the Government’s initiative of Poshan Abhiyan, which is being implemented under the aegis of the Ministry of Women & Child Development. She highlighted that the initiative is making a positive impact by ensuring that children are born healthy and receive optimal nourishment. The success of Poshan Abhiyan is attributed to the effective implementation of the government’s policies and the active participation of citizens.
Swachh Bharat Connect
Furthermore, Smt Sangeeta Kumari Singh Deo drew a parallel between Poshan Abhiyan and the Swachh Bharat initiative launched by the Prime Minister. She noted that the instant connection people felt with the Prime Minister’s words during the Swachh Bharat campaign was similar to the way people are connecting with Poshan Abhiyan. This is a testament to the effectiveness of the government’s campaigns and their ability to resonate with the citizens.
The Way Forward
Tackling malnutrition is a crucial step towards building a healthier nation. The government’s initiatives like Poshan Abhiyan are making significant strides in this direction. The active participation of citizens is equally important in ensuring the success of such initiatives. The Prime Minister’s clarion call for Swachh Bharat and now Poshan Abhiyan, is a testimony to the government’s commitment to creating a healthier, cleaner, and more prosperous nation.
In conclusion, tackling the menace of malnutrition is a critical priority, and the government’s initiatives like Poshan Abhiyan are taking significant steps in this direction. The active participation of citizens is essential to ensure the success of such initiatives, and the government’s campaigns like Swachh Bharat and Poshan Abhiyan are effectively resonating with the people. With such measures in place, India is well on its way towards building a healthier, cleaner, and more prosperous nation. ( INVC NEWS)