Swachch Bharat Abhiyan – How to make it a success?


– Colonel R D Singh ( retd) –

Colonel R D Singh,Colonel R D Singh,INVC NEWSIntroduction

Swachch Bharat Abhiyan was observed from 01  to 07 November, through out India. As a responsible citizen, I also participated in it, on all the seven days. Along with other volunteers, we cleaned the drains of a locality in our city, every morning from 7 am to 8.30 am. The subject is very relevant even today, because, cleanliness is a daily affair. It has to seep into our psyche. So, let  me share my experience – highlighting certain key issues, in the  larger interest..

‘Do it yourself’ concept

On the first day, we started cleaning the clogged drains of a street, which had, both houses and shops, on its sides. To our horror, we found the drain was full of  the garbage which the house owners had thrown in, and the shop keepers had swept under.  It was full of polythenes, disposable cups and plates, glass bottles, used sanitary napkins, junk, foliage, etc. As we took it out and made heaps outside, some shop keepers and house owners, objected to it ( why are you doing it in front of my house?), rather than assisting us. While on the first day, the sanitary inspector was present, and even requisitioned a garbage collection trolley, but on the  subsequent days, we missed them. But, we kept working on our own, making heaps of the garbage collected from the drains, and sweeping the area. Yes, we realized that by the fourth day, the people  had become more responsive as we were being seen  genuine volunteers and not  ‘photo ops types’. Though no one joined us to clean the drains, but we could sense the appreciation in their eyes. We made a request to all of them, including their school going children, not to throw garbage in the drains, and keep the area clean.

Now, the question comes, where should they throw it, as there are no garbage bins in the area?

So, the  first major problem is the disposable of the garbage – where do people dispose it off? Presently, as said earlier,  many sweep it off/ throw in the  street drain or in some open space nearby.  Hence, there is an urgent  requirement of placing adequate number of garbage bins, in all the areas, and regularly emptying these out. Where there is no enough space to place a bin, then we have to have some system for collection of the garbage from houses. Will the MC please do it, and the higher authorities ensure it? Also, the safai staff of the MC has to do their job sincerely, and regularly. As of now, the staff is inadequate and irregular, with insufficient  cleanliness equipment.

The second major issue is the disposal of the garbage by the garbage trolleys/ trucks/ rehris etc? Where should they dump it?  There is no place. Presently,   a large part of the  dumping is done in any big open area they find, which leads to stink and diseases. The govt will have to earmark enough sites for the task, and manage these with due monitoring.  Along with it, we have to resort to solid waste disposable plants , in every city. Some of these, like the Pattavi plant in Ambala, are  lying closed due to non – clearance by the environment ministry. Thankfully,  the govt has since taken a decision to make the Pattavi plant functional. Lets hope it is put on road on priority.

Lets be good scouts

Here it will be pertinent to emphasize upon the need of being a good scout, each one of us.  After the observing the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan week, as elucidated above, on the subsequent days, I visited few schools in Ambala Cantt, and mixed around with children, after meeting their Principals. We discussed about being a good scout, and responsible citizens.  If we only blame the authorities, and crib, without lifting our hand, then very little cleanliness will happen. The nation belongs to all of us, and so each  one of us needs to chip in for its cleanliness and  progress. The children agreed, and said , “ sir, lets go out on the road and spread the message”.  So, some of us, came out on a busy road junction and set a personal example of lifting polythene etc lying  on the road. First, I did it, and then the children followed. People watched us curiously. Soon, some people came to us and complained about the lack of dust bins. We agreed with them. But, at the same time, we requested the residents not to throw their garbage in the drains, and in the neighbour’s area. Though a small act, but it had an impact. We will continue with our efforts.

Remember our school days, we had a ‘Scouts  Club’, and we were all told to be good scouts in our life. That is doing small good deeds, as a habit of our life. So, if we saw a visually challenged person, we would help him to cross the road or if we found a waste paper/ polythene etc lying on the road or on our play grounds etc, we will not hesitate to pick it up and throw in a dust bin. Even after passing out of the school, this helping and doing a good deed trait, remained with us through out. What about today’s youth?


Nation is ours, and so is the govt. It is heartening to see a new awakening about cleanliness, among the citizens, triggered by the Swach  Bharat Abhiyan, launched by our Honourable  PM. . It is a very good initiative, and the onus is on all of us to make it a success.  Lets make cleanliness our habit, so that not only our houses, but India becomes clean and hygienic.


Colonel R D Singh,Colonel R D SinghColonel R D Singh (retd)

Colonel R D Singh is a Georgian from the King Georges School, Belgaum, and he did BA ( Hons) from the DAV
College Chandigarh.  He is MSc( Def Studies), PGDCST, BEd, Diploma in Management, and a Gold  Medalist in debating from the Punjab University in 1972 – 73.The officer is also a prolific writer, and his articles are published in news papers and magazines.

The officer has had an outstanding army career. He commanded 48 Armoured Regiment and has been a Directing Staff ( Instructor) at the prestigious  DSSC, Wellington, from 1998 to 2001.  Highly decorated, after his 38 years of meritorious army service, the officer retired in 2012. Now, the officer is committed to social work. He is a Life Member of INTACH, and star blood donor ( 95 donations). For his outstanding contribution to the voluntary blood donation movement, he  has been awarded by the Vice President of India in 2003, and the Governor of Haryana in

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*Disclaimer: The views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC NEWS


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