State to gain from Canadian expertise



Himachal Pradesh would be taking benefit of Canadian expertise in hydro power generation, food processing and tourism promotion activities to give new dimensions to state economy. This was revealed by Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister, after a meeting with Shri Scot Slessor, Counsul General of Canada in India, who called on him here today.

Chief Minister informed that State had vast hydro potential for exploitation out of which only 6500 MW had been exploited and the generation was likely to touch 12000 MW by year 2012. He said that since Canada too had successfully exploited vast hydro potential and the State would take benefit of the expertise of Canadian hydro engineers. He said that the technology was subject to improvement from time to time and Canada had the latest technology in hydro power generation. He said that the State had a strong manpower of hydro power engineers who were always willing to learn latest technological advancements in the sector. He said that the exchange programme could benefit the State immensely. He said that with exchange of technology the State would be able to harness its hydel potential expeditiously. He urged the Counsul General to work out modalities for such an exchange programme through the Government of India so that hydel generation could be given momentum.

Welcoming the offer of Canadian Government to provide assistance in hydro power generation, food processing and tourism promotion activities, Prof. Dhumal said that Himachal Pradesh happened to be an agrarian hill State where fruit formed vital organ of State Gross Domestic Product. He said that apple was being cultivated as commercial crop in the State and was in demand in National and International level markets for its quality produce. He said that since the root stock of the apple was quite old and required replacement, for which the State Government had launched Rs. 85 crore Apple Rejuvenation Scheme. He said that it would add to the endeavours of the State Government if Canadian expertise with technology transfer was made available to mutually benefit both the stake holders. He said that the State was putting efforts for promotion of high yielding varieties of apple so that apple economy was strengthened. He said that State had record apple crop this season and food processing industry would have benefitted immensely by processing the fruit for marketing to the consumer markets. He said that although the State Government was offering various incentives to the industries in the State and scope still existed for more food processing units.

Chief Minister said that Tourism was another sector where Canada could contribute significantly. He said that as many as 1.14 crore tourists visited the State last year which included about 2.5 lakh foreigners. He said that Himachal Pradesh was one of the best tourist destinations in the world and safety and security of the visitors was being ensured by the law and order maintaining agencies. He said that the State

 Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal ,Chief Minister meeting with Mr.Scot Slessor, Consul General, Consulate General of Canada at    Shimla today.
Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal ,Chief Minister meeting with Mr.Scot Slessor, Consul General, Consulate General of Canada at Shimla today.


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