Stakeholders need to Partner for Solution Development at the Conceptualisation Stage




National Conference and Exhibition on Technology Solutions for Rural Service Delivery concluded here today. The Conference provided an opportunity to have a close look at the available solutions for rural service delivery to match the requirements and issues raised by the Central Ministries and State Governments.

The conclusions that emerged from the conference were-:

There is a need to view entire ecosystem through integration of available technological solutions which meet the needs of citizens at the last mile. We are at a unique stage where vast opportunities exist to integrate available technology solutions with needs of effective governance at grass root level. However, these technology options need to be economically viable for the solution providers and at the same time capable to address the unique challenges that exist at the last mile. The solutions and devices for sustainable information infrastructure should comply with requisite standards, withstand harsh climatic and environmental conditions, suit to the power conditions at local levels, have multi-lingual supports, must have interoperability aspects embedded within. The most determining factor for these devices to be put to use in the local conditions shall be the aspect of scalability, maintenance, up-gradation, and support of these devices.

Various panellists agreed that there was a need for organizations, solution providers, policy makers to partner for solution development right at the conceptualisation stage.

The exhibition generated great interest in seeing live the products and devices which can be used for disbursement of citizen centric benefits of Government of India programmes and schemes. The key consensus which emerged for the stakeholders almost unanimously was need to design and develop solutions which fit the needs of citizens, instead of fitting citizens and organizations to the solutions. The conference was concluded with the agreement among different stakeholders that a lot of entrepreneurial opportunities exist in Indian rural landscape which could only be tapped by right technology and services rendered to right target group on real time basis.

Twenty leading Information Technology services and solutions companies of India participated in the conference & exhibition, and made presentations for delegates.

National Informatics Centre (NIC) and National Informatics Centre Service Incorporation (NICSI) have organized this Conference and Exhibition on technology solutions and their potential usage in development initiatives in Rural India.


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