Pustak Mahal is the first Indian publisher to be truly Digital in every way



The old adage ‘It is a small world’ holds greater emphasis in the current scenario of societies across the world. Exploring the various mediums of communication through web portals have become a norm of the day. Gratifying curiosity and seeking social compatibility with a click of a button has overpowered the senses. The flow of information has definitely become digital and its escalated reach has led to a surge of innovations in various fields including the publishing arena.
Without a doubt, the e-book is practically the biggest thing that has
hit the publishing industry since the invention of movable types.
Introduced in India by Pustak Mahal Group, who are not only India’s
largest publishers of mass appeal books but also the first Indian
publisher to be truly digital, e-books are reporting astronomical
growth. Upholding the endeavour of transcending boundaries and
reaching out to an ardent reader, books by Pustak Mahal on diverse
topics are now available world wide for digital download on any device
(Kindle, ipad, iphone, ipod, Blackberry, Android).

Speaking about these innovative introductions, Mr. Rohit Gupta,
Marketing Director-Pustak Mahal & Founder of Cedar books, says,
“Predicting the evident trend in the Indian publishing industry, we
embarked on the digital mode of communication in order to make Indian
books accessible in the international markets. Through these
introductions, we have reiterated our motto of reaching out to
everyone by negating higher costs in the form of increased freight
charges. Inevitably, the increase in costs have not benefited a
publishing industry since sale of books reduce with higher pricing.
Apart from select books authored by widely publicised writers, we
cannot increase the prices of books lest it adversely impacts sales.
Hence, by adopting the digital medium, we are able to fulfil our aims
of reaching out to all and easy accessibility at our desirable prices
which is not pinching to the reader’s pockets.”


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