Overall Development of the Minorities during the 11th Plan Period


The Plan fund allocation and utilization by the Ministry of Minority Affairs have significantly gone up during the 11th Five Year Plan : the allocation for the Ministry has increased from Rs. 500 crore allocated in 2007-8 to Rs. 3,135 crore in 2012-13. The Union Budget of 2012-13 has ensured continuation of important minority welfare schemes of the 11th Five Year Plan. Various schemes have been implemented by the Ministry of Minority Affairs and other Ministries/Departments under the Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for overall development of the minorities during the 11thPlan Period with special focus on education, employment & health which include:

i)                    Education

Ø      Under the Scholarship schemes, the Ministry of Minority Affairs has awarded Scholarships/ fellowships to 1.42 crore minority students at an expenditure of Rs. 2730.20 crore.

Ø      The following educational infrastructure have been created in Minority concentration Districts under Sarvashiksha Abhiyan implemented by Department of School Education & Literacy:

  • 12,598 Primary Schools, 7016 Upper Primary Schools and 12,8043Additional Class Rooms constructed.

  • 14,453 New Primary Schools and 10,438 Upper Primary Schoolsopened.

  • 85,805 teachers sanctioned.

  • 449 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas sanctioned.

Ø      Under the Scheme of Providing Quality Education to Madrasas (SPQEM) implemented by Department of School Education & Literacy Rs. 397.61 crore released covering 33,787 Madrasas and for assisting more than 26,558 teachers.

Ø      Under the Scheme of Infrastructure Development of Minority Institutions implemented by Department of School Education & Literacy Rs.76.14 crore released for covering 405 Institutions and assisting more than 71,688 teachers.

Ø      Under Multi-sectoral Development Programme of Ministry of Minority Affairs, 696 school buildings, 13,825 additional class rooms in schools/madarsas, 332 hostels for boys and girls were sanctioned for the identified 90 Minority Concentration Districts.

ii)                  Employment


Ø      Recruitment of Minorities in Central Government Ministries/Departments, Public Sector Banks and Financial Institutions and PSUs has increased from 8.23% in 2007-08 to 10.33% (as per information received from Deptt. of Personnel & Training) in 2010-11.

Ø      9,90,010 Swarozgaries assisted under Aajeevika Scheme (formerly SGSY).

Ø      75,585 Urban Poor assisted to set up Individual Micro Enterprises and Skill training imparted to 1,61,753 Urban Poors under Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana.

Ø      Priority Sector Lending to Minorities has increased from 10.60% of the total PSL in 2007-08 to 14.83%  in December, 2011.

Ø      Rs.120.16 crore released for upgradation of 60 identified ITIs into Centre of Excellence in districts having substantial Minority population.

Ø      Loans and Micro Finance amounting to Rs. 977.24 crore disbursed to 4,67,909 minority persons under Term Loan and Micro Finance Schemes by the National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC).

Ø      Under Multi-sectoral Development Programme, 71 ITIs and 31 polytechnics have been sanctioned for the identified 90 Minority Concentration Districts.

iii)                Health

Ø      55,149 Anganwadi Centres operationalised in CD Blocks having substantial minority population.

Ø      Under Multi-sectoral Development Programme, 2624 health centres and 27,797 anganwadi centres have been sanctioned for the identified 90 Minority Concentration Districts.

The Ministry of Minority Affairs has taken steps to give wide publicity of the welfare schemes for the minority communities to generate awareness for these schemes through the print and electronic media. Uploading of the data on minority welfare schemes implemented by various Ministries and State Governments/UTs Administrations has been made mandatory. Activity wise time-lines have been laid down and communicated to the States/UTs under the Scholarship Schemes. Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) has been developed and launched for the on-line application for the Merit-cum-Means Scholarship scheme which is being extended for the Post-Matric Scholarship scheme also. Regular review meetings with the officials of the State government are held to expedite the implementation of the programmes. In addition, the officials of the Ministry visit States/UTs to review and inspect the implementation of projects under various schemes/ programmes.



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