Delhi’s air quality in very poor category


The air health in Delhi-NCR continues to be in a deplorable condition. Delhi’s air quality remained in the ‘very poor’ category on Sunday morning, with the capital’s average AQI at 350 in the morning. The AQI of Delhi University and Pusa area stood at 372 and 343 respectively.

At the same time, construction and demolition activities have been completely banned in view of the increasing pollution level in Delhi-NCR from Saturday. A meeting of the Air Quality Management Commission was held regarding this. In this, the third level of the Graded Response Action Plan was implemented. However, some categories are exempted with conditions. According to the Central Pollution Control Board, the level of pollution may reach the red zone between October 31 and November 1. Pollution levels in Delhi-NCR have reached alarming levels due to stubble burning in neighboring states and other reasons. Doctors have advised the elderly and children not to go out in the morning.

Also, respiratory patients have been warned to be especially vigilant. The pollution level in Delhi reached 397 on Saturday, which is the highest level of this season. While the pollution level in NCR was between 350 and 400.

According to the Central Pollution Control Board, there is no hope of any relief from pollution in the coming days as well. The air quality in Delhi is expected to remain in the very severe category till Sunday. At the same time, the level of pollution may increase further in the next two days.

It is believed that from October 31 to November 1, the pollution level in Delhi will reach the Red Zone. On Sunday and Monday, winds with a speed of 8 km in North-West / South-East direction are possible in Delhi. PLC/GT


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