Daljinder Kaur became mother in age of 72

Daljinder-Kaur-Became-MotheINVC NEWS
Dr Anular Bishnoi , an eminent Embryologist and Owner of National Fertility Centre, Hisar, who  helped an Indian Elderly couple Daljinder Kaur 72 and Mohinder Singh Gill 79 of Punjab give birth to their first child with help of In-Vitro Fertilizer (IVF) treatment during the year.

A lots of contriversy was raised by medical profession 

But Dr Anurag Bishnoi , the iVF expert stood his ground and felt that  any move by Government to draft law to prevent women getting pregnant after certain age will be snatching away their fundamental right of reproduction.

“The decision to undergo fertility treatments should be left to patients as reproduction is fundamental right.The government cannot prevent that as the women are giving birth not killing anyone.”said Dr anurag Bishnoi, Eminent Embryologist and owner National Fertility Centre Hisar (Haryana) .

“Recently there has been upsurge of population of older women getting pregnant due to ‘Assisted Reproductive Technology’. Educational and career goals, late marriages and increase of contraception services are also contributory to the shift in child bearing patterns. American law has no such restrictions but medicine   in practice guidelines (ASRM) recommended that all recipients of oocyte donation over the age of 45 should undergo thorough medical evaluation including cardiovascular testing and a high risk obstetric consultation before treatment.” Dr Bishnoi Said.

“Older females conceiving through these facilities mostly come from rural background. One reason for this is that when there females were young, IVF facilities were not available in the state. Even rich and well off families did not know about the technique. Secondly, the results of egg donation were low in the beginning of IVF practice in our country and therefore it was not popular. As IVF success rates increased and reports of few older females getting a baby were published in newspapers, awareness about this programme increased and therefore more and more women rushed to the clinics.” He added.

“ We think that these women who have been deprived of this treatment at their young age should be allowed to undertake this ‘venture’ at their old age also. It would be unjust if government imposes a ban on them. Government of India did not have programmes or ‘fertility clinics’ in the past. So it is unjust to impose such a law on these women when the technology is available now. If we leave aside the law aspect of the story, Indian rural society as a whole has welcomed this move of infertility clinics.” Dr Bishnoi said.

There has been no ‘public interest litigation’ file in the court against this practice till now by any section of society or any individual.No insurance scheme covers IVF and the couple has to bear the cost themselves. If we restrict the females from getting pregnant after 50 years, men should also be debarred from marriage or reproduction after 50years for the reason of gender equality.” He said .

“The right of becoming a mother is her fundamental right and she should continue getting it.” He concluded

Dr Bishnoi also opposed the new Surrogacy Bill introduced by the Union government  .

The Bill  introduced the in the Lok Sabha aims at safeguarding the rights of poor surrogate mothers renting their wombs. It bans commercial surrogacy but allows altruistic surrogacy, where women can legally carry someone else’s child if no money (other than medical cost and insurance), favour or coercion is involved. Under the proposed law, only infertile Indian couples who have been married for at least five years can opt for surrogacy, while those who already have a child cannot do so.

“ The Bill may be helpful in curtailing exploitation of poor surrogate women , but in hindsight, it will lead to breakdown of marriages and promote second marriage even. Ours is a very conservative society. No close relative will come forward to be a surrogate, which is exactly the reason so many childless couples who opted for surrogacy, went the commercial route,” says Hisar, Haryana  based Eminent In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) expert Dr Anurag Bishnoi, who was recently in news for helping elderly 70 plus Amritsar couple have a child.

“In the recent years IVF and Surrogacy has become a major tool  to save marriages of childless couples, but new bill will be disaster for women as men will go for second marriage to have child as adoption will not be allowed after 45 years of age of couple. In India not having a child is a social stigma, many childless mothers will allow husband to go in for second marriage ,” Dr Bishnoi expressed his fears.


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