bharat Jodo Yatra : Have to eat vegetarian food, stay away from alcohol and smoking etc.
Along with Congress, Rahul Gandhi is also fully conscious in his bharat Jodo Yatra, Rahul Gandhi also does not want to give any issue to BJP along with Godi Media during his bharat Jodo Yatra.
In order to maintain discipline for the journey in the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ of the Congress, instructions and instructions have been issued for the passengers on ‘Do’s and Don’ts’. The organizing committee of the Yatra believes that discipline is necessary to maintain a dignified atmosphere.
The party workers were directed about this before the yatra. Some rules have been prepared for those participating in the yatra, which are necessary for all to follow strictly.
It has been decided that only vegetarian food will be available during the journey. During this time, travelers will have to stay away from things like alcohol and smoking. They have to live in a simple way. Passengers have been told that during this period they will not express any complaint or dissatisfaction regarding anything including food, bedding facilities.
Wear only white clothes in the journey. However, the clothing rule will be applicable to India travelers as well as state travelers and guest travelers. This will not apply to volunteer passenger. Travelers are expected not to expect any luxury, amenities and special hospitality during the journey. He has been told to be met with humility, love and patience from anyone he meets during the Yatra. Have to listen to them. These things have to be taken care of while taking feedback.
The list of these rules and regulations has been prepared by the party so that along with maintaining discipline, the Yatra does not get negative publicity. The party does not want any unnecessary controversy regarding the yatra. However, strict adherence to the rules is for India travelers. Rest of the state and guest passengers will follow them during the journey. The arrangement of food for the passengers is done by the local state committee of the state in which the journey takes place. Where arrangements have been made for the stay of the passengers of India, the State Congress Committee is looking after the arrangements for the accommodation and food of the guest and the state passengers.
During the break in the day in the yatra, people sit and rest on mats and rugs. At the end of the day, in the evening the feedback of the day’s program is taken. At present, there is no arrangement for any kind of entertainment etc. in the evening. A passenger said that we are there at 4.30 in the morning. By six o’clock we have to be fully prepared after having breakfast. There is a separate kitchen team for India travelers, who prepare food and snacks. This team is running together.
In which there is a team of Cook, Chef, Manager and Supervision. Every evening a huge pandal is organized, where there is a seating arrangement for 400-500 people. The food also consists of local dishes. The yatra convoy has a logistic staff of about 250 people, who looks after the cleanliness, housekeeping, food, laundry, generator arrangements. Drivers are also included in this. Every evening a new village settles on two acres and is merged in the morning. It takes five hours to settle a village, about two and a half hours to uproot the same.
Godi Media and BJP together had proved Rahul Gandhi as Pappu, along with editing half-incomplete videos of Rahul Gandhi are also trying to prove his retardation? PLC/GT