37 IAS officers and 14 HCS officers transferred in Haryana

Haryana governmentINVC,
Haryana government today redesignated 37 IAS officers and 14 HCS officers with immediate effect. Mahavir Singh, Director General and Special Secretary, Food and Supplies, and Managing Director, CONFED has been redesignated asDirector General and Secretary, Food and Supplies and Managing Director, CONFED. Arun Kumar, Director General and Special Secretary Transport Department, Adviser, Civil Aviation Haryana and Special Secretary Civil Aviation Department and Director General, Renewable Energy, Haryana has been redesignated as Director  General and Secretary Transport Department, Adviser and Secretary Civil Aviation Department and Director    General, Renewable Energy, Haryana. Sudhir Rajpal, Director Generaland Special Secretary Information Public Relations and Cultural Affairs and Grievances Departments and Director General, Sports and Youth Affairs,Haryana has been redesignated as Director General and Secretary, Information     Public Relations and        Cultural        Affairs and Grievances and Director General, Sports and Youth Affairs,Haryana. Smt.Sumita Misra, Director General and Special Secretary Women and Child Development Department, Managing Director, Women Development     Corporation, Transport Commissioner, Haryana and Special Secretary Transport Department has been redesignated asDirector General and  Secretary Women and Child Development Department, Managing Director, Women Development Corporation, Transport Commissioner and Secretary Transport Department. Ankur Gupta Director General and Special Secretary Higher Education Department has been redesignated as Director General,Higher and Secretary Higher Education Department. Anurag Rastogi Director General and Special Secretary Town  and Country Planning and Urban Estates Departments  has been redesignated as Director General and Secretary Town  and Country Planning and Urban Estates Departments. Anand Mohan Sharan Additional Resident Commissioner Haryana Bhawan,New Delhi, Administrator. TFAH, Managing Director,      Haryana Tourism Corporation, Director General and Special Secretary Tourism and Hospitality Departments has been redesignated as Additional Resident Commissioner, Haryana Bhawan,New Delhi. Administrator, TFAH, Managing Director, Haryana Tourism Corporation Director General and Secretary, Tourism  and Hospitality Departments.  Satwanti Ahlawat, Labour Commissioner, Haryana and Special Secretary Labour Department has been redesignated as Labour Commissioner, and Secretary Labour Department. Vineet Garg, Special       Secretary     Personnel, Training. Vigilance and Parliamentary Affairs Departments, Director General, Training (ex-officio) and Science  and Technology, Haryana and Inquiry Officer. Vigilance,  has been redesignated as Secretary Personnel, Training,  Vigilance and    Parliamentary Affairs Departments, Director General, Training (ex-officio) and Director General, Science  and Technology, Haryana and Inquiry Officer, Vigilance, Haryana Anil Malik, Excise and Taxation Commissioner and Special Secretary Excise  and Taxation has been redesignated as Excise and Taxation Commissioner and Secretary Excise  and Taxation Department  Sandeep Garg, Managing          Director Haryana   Land Reclamation Development          Corporation  and Special Secretary, Agriculture Department has been redesignated as  Managing    Uirector, Haryana Lana Reclamation Development Corporation and Secretary         Agriculture Department. A. K. Singh, Director       General and Special        Secretary    Agriculture Department has been redesignated as  Director General and Secretary Agriculture Department.  H.S. Malik, Special Secretary   Public Health Engineering Department has been redesignated as Secretary        Public Health Engineering Department. Arun Kumar Gupta Director          General andSpecial        Secretary     Secondary Education, Archives. Archaeology and Museums Departments has been redesignated as Director        General       and Secretary Secondary Education, Archives, Archaeology and Museums Departments. Mohinder Kumar, Secretary       to Governor and     Director General    and Special  Secretary          Social Justice        and  Empowerment Department has been redesignated as Secretary to Governor and        Director General and Secretary Social Justice  and Empowerment Department. S.K.Goyal, Special Secretary Irrigation Department, Administrator,      CADA.         Special Secretary Cooperation     Department and Managing Director, HSMITC  has been redesignated as Secretary     Irrigation Department,      Administrator,       CADA. Secretary   Cooperation Department  and    Managing    Director HSMITC.  Anurag Agarwal, Managing      Director,      Haryana       Power Generation Corporation, Haryana          Vidyut          Prasaran      N1gam and Special Secretary Haryana, Power Department        and         Director       General, Power Reforms has been redesignated as Managing   Director,          Haryana Power Generation Corporation, Haryana   Vidyut Prasaran Nigam, Secretary          Power Department and    Director General,   Power Reforms,Haryana. Vijayendra Kumar, M.D.   Haryana       Agro  Industries    Corporation and Special Secretary, Revenue  and Disaster Management Department has been redesignated as  Managing     Director,          Haryana       Agro Industries Corporation       and    Secretary, Revenue         and   Disaster Management Department Rajbir Singh, Special Secretary General Administration, Secretariat Establishment and Monitoring  and Coordination Cell has been redesignated as Secretary         General Administration,         Secretariat   Establishment and Monitoring  and Coordination Cell  Rakesh Gupta, Joint       Secretary     Health Department and    Mission Director,   National Rural Health Mission, Commissioner, Food  and Drugs Administration, Haryana has been redesignated as Special Secretary Health Department and Mission Director, National Rural Health Mission, Commissioner, Food  and Drugs Administration. Ramesh Krishan, Joint Secretary Home-I and PWD (B and R)  and Architecture Departments has been redesignated as  Special  Secretary     Home-I        and    PWD (B andR)       and         Architecture Departments. Rajeev Ranjan, Joint       Secretary     Finance Department,       Director, and Joint Secretary          Environment Department  and    Member Secretary,          4th State       Finance          Commission Haryana has been redesignated as  Special Secretary     Finance          Department,Director and Special Secretary Environment Department  and   Member          Secretary,    4″ State Finance Commission, Haryana.  Vijay Singh, Joint   Secretary     Training Department has been redesignated as   Special  Secretary          Industrial Training Department. Nitin Kumar Yadav, Director and Joint Secretary Development  and Panchayats Department, Director and Joint Secretary Rural Development Department has been redesignated as   Director and Special SecretaryDevelopment  and Panchayats Department, Director and Special Secretary to Rural Development Department.  Vijay Singh Dahiya, Joint Secretary Finance Department  has been redesignated as   Special Secretary Finance Department. Amneet P. Kumar, Joint Secretary Finance Department has been redesignated as   Special Secretary Finance Department.  Praveen Kumar, Joint Secretary Land Use Board and Administrator, HUDA, Gurgaon has been redesignated as   Special Secretary Land Use Board and Administrator, HUDA, Gurgaon Abhe Singh Yadav, Director and Joint Secretary ElementaryEducation Department has been redesignated as   Director and Special Secretary Elementary Education Department.          M.L.Kaushik, Joint Secretary Forests Forests Department and Deputy Commissioner, Fatehabad has been redesignated as   Special Secretary Forests and Deputy Commissioner, Fatehabad. R.C.Verma, Director, Industrial Training, Haryana and Joint Secretary Revenue  and Disaster Management-II Department has been redesignated as   Director, Industrial Training and Special         SecretaryRevenue and   Disaster Management-II Department   Satyaprakash T.L, and Joint Secretary, Industries  and Commerce and Mines  and Geology Departments, Managing Director. HSSI and EC. M.D., HSH and HC and M.D Haryana Tanneries, Jind has been redesignated as Director and Special Secretary Industries  and Commerce and Mines  and Geology Departments. Managing Director, HSSI andEC. M.D., HSH andHC and M.D. Haryana Tanneries, Jind   Sameer Pal Srow, Director and  Joint Secretary Urban Local Bodies Department and Project Director, Swaran Jayanti Shehri Rozgar Yojna and State Urban Development Society, Hraryana has been redesignated as Director and Special Secretary Urban Local Bodies Department and Project Director. Swaran Jayanti Shehri Rozgar Yojna and State Urban Development Society, Hraryana. Vikas Yadav, Joint Secretary Health Department has been redesignated as Special Secretary Health Department.Ashok Sangwan, Joint Secretary Administrative Reforms, Deputy CommissionerYamunanagar and Commissioner, MC,  Yamunanagar has been redesignated as   Special        Secretary Administrative Reforms, D.C., Yamunanagar and Commissioner of MC, Yamunanagar A.Sreenivas, Director and Joint Secretary Welfare of Scheduled Castes  and Backward Classes Department, Managing Director Haryana Scheduled Finance Development Corpn. Ltd., Managing Director. Haryana Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections Kalyan Nigam. Director, Employment, Haryana and Joint   Secretary    Employment Department has been redesignated as Director, Welfare of Scheduled Castes  and Backward Classes, Haryana, Special Secretary Welfare of Scheduled Castes  and Backward Classes Department, Managing Director. Haryana Scheduled Finance Development Corpn. Ltd.:Managing Director., Haryana Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections Kalyan Nigarn, Director and Special Secretary Employment Department.Vinay Singh, Deputy Secretary Home-II Department, Joint Commissioner Gurdwara Elections, Haryana and Deputy Secretary Animal Husbandry Department has been redesignated as Additional Secretary Home-II Department, Joint Commissioner, Gurdwara Elections Haryana and Additional Secretary Animal Husbandry Department Chander Shekhar, Deputy Secretary Planning Department and Deputy Commissioner, Kaithal has been redesignated as Additional Secretary Planning Department          and    Deputy Commissioner. Kaithal Among the HCS officers redesignated, Vivek Attrey Director, Supplies  and Disposals and Managing Director.          HARTRON.  Deputy Secretary Electronics  and Information          Technology  has been redesignated as Director, Supplies  and Disposals and Managing Director       HARTRON.  Special Secretary Electronics  and Information       Technology. Jagdeep Singh, Deputy Secretary Science Technology Department and ADC-cum- DRDA, Panchkula has been redesignated as Special Secretary Science Technology Department and ADC-cum- DRDA, Panchkula. Geeta Bharti Additional Director(Admn.) and Deputy Secretary Higher Education Department has been redesignated as Joint Secretary Higher Education Department.  M.K.Ahuja, Deputy Secretary Revenue and Disaster Management and SDO (C ) cum- Additional Collector, Ambala and Estate Officer, HUDA, Ambala    has been redesignated as Additional Secretary Revenue  and Disaster Management and  SDO (C) cum-Additional Collector, Ambala and Estate Officer, HUDA, Ambala.  Virender Lather Deputy  Secretary Industries Commerce  and Mines  and Geology Department and Managing Director, Cooperative Sugar Mills, Sonepat  has been redesignated as Additional Secretary Industries. Commerce  and Mines  and Geology Department and Managing Director, Cooperative Sugar Mills, Sonepat  Jagtar SinghDeputy Secretary Urban Local Bodies Department has been redesignated as Joint Secretary  Urban Local Bodies Department. K.S,Gill Additional Director (Admn) Social Justice and Empowerment Department and Deputy Secretary Social Welfare and Welfare of Welfare of SCs/BCs Department has been redesignated as Additional Director (Admn.), Social Justice and Empowerment andJoint Secretary Social Welfare and Welfare of SCs/BCs Department Dr.Sarita Malik, Additional Director and Deputy Secretary, Women  and Child Development Department has been redesignated as Additional Director and Joint Secretary, Women  and Child Development Department. Satpal Sharma Deputy Secretary, Health has been redesignated as Joint Secretary in the same department.    Ram Kumar Beniwal, Under Secretary Finance has been redesigned as Deputy Secretary, Finance. Amar Deep Singh, Under Secretary Planning has been redesignated asDeputy Secretary Planning. Anurag Dhalia, Joint Director (Admn.  and Mid-day Meals), Primary Education, and Under Secretary Primary Education has been redesignated as Joint Director (Admn.  and Mid-day Meals), Primary Education, and Deputy Secretary Primary Education Subhash Chander Sihag, Under Secretary Finance is now Deputy Secretary, Finance and   Prithvi Singh, Under Secretary PWD  (B and R) and Architecture Department is now Deputy Secretary in the same departments


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