Why Placing Hanuman Ji’s Picture Facing South is Essential According to Vastu Shastra


If we follow Sanatan Dharma Vastu and Astrology, it becomes imperative to understand certain principles before positioning any deity’s picture or idol within our homes. The mythological texts of Hinduism, alongside Vastu and Astrology, offer guidelines that yield miraculous effects when adhered to. The correct placement of gods and goddesses’ idols and pictures is crucial as per these scriptures. According to Vastu Shastra, positioning the pictures of deities appropriately eliminates troubles and fosters peace and happiness within the household.

Understanding the Importance of Hanuman Ji’s Picture

Hanuman Ji is revered as a child celibate and a devoted follower of Lord Rama. His image or idol is considered extremely auspicious and is believed to bring protection and strength to the household. However, there are specific Vastu rules related to the placement of Hanuman Ji’s picture that must be followed to harness the full potential of his blessings.

Optimal Placement According to Scriptures

According to the scriptures, Hanuman Ji’s picture should be kept in the temple of the house or another sacred space, rather than in the bedroom. This is because Hanuman Ji, being a child celibate, is best honored in a place of reverence and devotion.

The South Direction: The Seat of Hanuman Ji’s Power

Vastu scientists emphasize that Hanuman Ji’s picture should face the south direction. This recommendation is rooted in several significant events where Hanuman Ji exhibited his immense power:

  1. Lanka’s Position: Lanka, the kingdom of Ravana, lies in the south. Hanuman Ji’s journey to Lanka to search for Sita Mata began from the south.
  2. Burning of Lanka: Hanuman Ji’s demonstration of power, including the burning of Lanka, occurred in the south.
  3. Ram-Ravana War: The epic battle between Lord Rama and Ravana also took place in this direction.

These events underline Hanuman Ji’s profound influence and strength in the southern direction.

Why the South Direction?

Hanuman Ji is especially powerful in the south. Placing his picture facing this direction is believed to maximize his protective influence. According to Vastu Shastra, this placement serves as a barrier against negative energies emanating from the south, ensuring peace and prosperity within the home.

Protective Influence Against Negative Energies

Positioning Hanuman Ji’s picture in the north direction provides an additional layer of protection. In this orientation, Hanuman Ji’s picture faces the south, symbolically intercepting and nullifying any negative powers approaching from that direction. This practice not only wards off evil forces but also contributes to the overall wellbeing and prosperity of the household.

Ensuring Happiness and Prosperity

By adhering to these Vastu principles, households can ensure an atmosphere of positivity and tranquility. Hanuman Ji’s picture facing the south or positioned in the north direction ensures that his divine energy permeates the home, fostering a secure and prosperous environment.

Specific Vastu Rules for Hanuman Ji’s Picture

Sacred Spaces Over Personal Spaces

The scriptures and Vastu guidelines recommend placing Hanuman Ji’s picture in sacred spaces like the home temple or puja room. These areas are specifically designated for worship and are considered appropriate for honoring deities. Placing his picture in personal spaces like bedrooms is discouraged to maintain the sanctity and respect for his divine presence.

Depicting Hanuman Ji’s Power

Selecting a picture of Hanuman Ji that showcases his strength and valor is crucial. Such images symbolize his protective nature and are believed to be highly effective in warding off evil forces. It is said that a picture where Hanuman Ji is displaying his power can create an impenetrable shield against negative energies.

Material and Frame Considerations

The material and framing of Hanuman Ji’s picture also play a role in the Vastu guidelines. Opt for pictures made from durable and auspicious materials, and ensure they are framed in high-quality, respectful frames. This consideration not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also honors the deity’s image.

Miraculous Effects of Correct Placement

The correct placement of Hanuman Ji’s picture can yield numerous benefits:

  1. Protection from Evil: A well-placed picture of Hanuman Ji can act as a safeguard against evil forces and negative energies.
  2. Enhanced Positivity: His divine presence enhances the positive vibes within the household.
  3. Mental Peace: The spiritual energy from Hanuman Ji’s image can contribute to mental peace and stability.
  4. Prosperity and Success: The blessings of Hanuman Ji, when his picture is placed according to Vastu, can lead to increased prosperity and success in all endeavors.

Stories and Beliefs Supporting Vastu Practices

The belief in the Vastu principles regarding Hanuman Ji’s picture placement is supported by numerous stories and experiences. Devotees have shared instances where adhering to these guidelines has brought significant positive changes in their lives, reinforcing the importance of following these ancient practices.

The placement of Hanuman Ji’s picture is more than a decorative decision; it is a practice steeped in tradition and Vastu Shastra principles. By ensuring his picture faces the south or is placed in the north direction, households can invoke his protective and positive energies. Following these guidelines not only honors the deity but also brings a sense of peace, security, and prosperity to the home.

We encourage all devotees to carefully consider these Vastu principles and honor Hanuman Ji in a manner that maximizes his blessings and protection. By doing so, we align our homes with ancient wisdom and invite divine energy into our lives.


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