Urvashi Kumar Trikha Launches a Collective for Readers, Writers and Creative Artists



New Delhi,
Writing is an Art. A writer works using the medium of words. Blogs are an asset to writers who wish to reach out to the world and express themselves instantly and without restrictions. Many people have discovered their love for writing on blogs and have gone on to become refined writers and bloggers. Dubai-based Indian blogger Urvashi Kumar Trikha is a name to look out for in this category. She has made a success of herself with her writing skills and her publications are being read all over the world.

Urvashi Kumar Trikha, has acquired fame as a writer and blogger in a short span of time. She has marked her presence online with entertaining short stories, articles highlighting concerns of modern society and meaningful quotes. Her fictional stories, inspiring articles and motivational quotes are being recognized in different parts of the world. With an increasing reader base in the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, Asia and the Middle East her internationally popular blog simplyathought.com is appreciated globally.

One of her extremely popular quote is, “The thoughts in our mind can remain veiled. Sometimes, even from ourselves.”

Urvashi has a master’s Degree in Business Administration. She currently lives with her family in Dubai. Describing herself as a Banker by Chance – Writer by Choice, Urvashi says, “Since the time I was very young, books have been my best friend. I enjoy reading and writing immensely. Words for me are a simple, straightforward and beautiful way of expression.”

Using her expertise in writing, Urvashi extends support to community causes concerning Women’s Education and Welfare. According to her “Being able to support Women’s Education and Empowerment is an honor. Even the smallest effort, counts to make a difference for the better.”

Urvashi is the Founder of ‘Simply A Thought – The Writers and Artists Collective’. An initiative for the resident community in Dubai, aimed at promoting the love of reading and writing. An emphasis is given on encouraging women writers to promote and share their work with a wide, international audience.

A Dubai-based portal ‘Masala’ honored the launch of ‘Simply a Thought – The Writers and Artists Collective’. Representatives from the diplomatic and corporate world attended the launch and extended their support to this endeavor. The collective spreads the love of reading, writing and creative arts through specialized Fun with Fiction events, Author Talks and Creative Artists Workshops in Dubai.


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