The University should prepare Vision-2020 document on priority for achieving the targets in a planned manner – Governor Himachal




Smt. Urmila Singh, Governor who was also the Chancellor of Himachal Pradesh University has stressed the need to start the Archaeology Department in the University besides introducing Tourist Guide Course to generate employment avenues for youth. She was speaking in the inaugural function of the three day long 42nd Foundation Day celebrations of the Himachal Pradesh University here today.

Smt. Urmila Singh said that Himachal Pradesh was rich in cultural heritage and added that Archaeology Department could make people aware about the glorious historical background of the State. She said that there were plenty of employment opportunities in the tourism sector and added that introducing Tourist Guide Course could help in guiding the tourists coming to the State.

Governor said that the University should prepare Vision-2020 document on priority for achieving the targets in a planned manner. She said that no national institution could make its mark on an international platform without a clear vision for the future. She said that education was important for the development of the nation and youth of every section irrespective of the social status should get an opportunity to pursue education for building a strong nation. She said that the State Government was providing free education to girl students and added that the seats have been reserved for single girl students in every department in the University.

Rs. 1.60 lacs being spent per student

Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister in his presidential address said that the State Government was spending Rs. 1.60 lakh per student, studying at the University level every year and added that the State had made a provision of 18 percent of annual plan budget for education sector which was the highest allocation in the country. He said that the H.P. University was equipped with international level educational facilities and liberal financial resources were being provided for the same. He said that in comparison to the 4.86 percent budget allocation at national level, the State Government was spending 18 percent of the annual budget on education sector this year. Underlining the need to be self dependent, he said that autonomy could be maintained by remaining self dependent. He said that students in all the Government schools were being administered Nine Point Environment Pledge in the morning assembly. He called upon the University students to work for environment protection while studying.

Prof. Dhumal said that Private Universities were being opened in the State to provide students with quality professional education nearer to their homes. He said that Himachal Pradesh was the first State in the country which had  constituted a Regulatory Authority to fix fees in these Universities. He said that the Regulatory Authority had started functioning to safeguard the interest of students and save them from exploitation. He said that Private Universities would be opened in Bilaspur, Chamba, Mandi and Kullu districts in near future. Symbiosis University would start functioning in Bilaspur district, he added.

Prof. Dhumal called upon the students to equip themselves with proper knowledge so as to take on the challenges posed by globalization and liberalization. He asked students to stay away from any kind of drugs for a bright future. He extended felicitation to all the members and students of the University on the occasion of 42nd Foundation Day and prayed for prosperous life of all.

Various publications of the University were also released on this occasion.

Shri C.P. Verma, Registrar of H.P. University presented a copy of ‘University Song’ created by Prof. Rajender Mishra, Ex Vice Chancellor, Sampoornand Sanskrit University.

Dr.Riad Kamel Abbas, Ambassador of Syrian Arab Republic in India, who was the Guest of Honour on the occasion felicitated the teachers, students and staff of the University on the occasion of Foundation Day and hoped that the students of Syria would also enroll themselves in the University in future which would strengthen the relation of both the countries.

Shri Suresh Bhadwaj, local MLA also spoke on the occasion.

Acharya Shri Arun Diwakar Nath Bajpai, Vice Chancellor of H.P. University welcomed the Governor, Chief Minister and other distinguished guests and also detailed out the activities of the University. He said that 149 students of the University had qualified NET this year.

Prof. H.S. Baniyal, Dean of Studies proposed vote of thanks and Dr. Ajay Srivastava read out the citation in honour of distinguished guests.

Shri Kripal Parmar, former MP, Dr. D.S. Manhas, Director General of Police, Dr. Shrikant Baldi, Principal Secretary, Education, Dr. O.P. Sharma, Director, Education and other senior officers were present on the occasion.


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