The time has come to review the development of technology so that technology can reduce its technical and governance related side effects : Dr DP Sharma


Conference ComPE-2021, at Nehu Central University, Shillong, Meghalaya” 

Dr. Sharma explained in detail about the Industrial Regulation and Regulatory Frameworks of the United Nations and International Labor Organization on the impact of automation, digitization and robotization on employment

An online International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE-2021) from December 1st to 3rd, 2021 at the North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India is being held in joint collaboration with IEEE USA and Blue Amber Foundation New Delhi.

Addressing the conference online through the online platform Microsoft Meet, Special Guest and Keynote Speaker Dr DP Sharma said that after Corona, the Internet has not only established its importance but also saved the world from being cut off from the workplaces. But see the irony that the same internet is becoming the cause of problems like digital divide, digital devoid and digital disruption today.

Prof. D. P. Sharma (an eminent IT Scientist, Digital Diplomat and PM’s National Brand Ambassador for Swachh Bharat Mission) while speaking on the topic “Digital Diplomacy, Devoid, and Disruption of Technology after Covid-19” said that the time has come to review the development of technology so that technology can reduce its technical and governance related side effects. We need to design the technology in a manner that it can be meaningful, useful, purposeful and fruitful for the human civilization.

Dr. Sharma explained in detail about the Industrial Regulation and Regulatory Frameworks of the United Nations and International Labor Organization on the impact of automation, digitization and robotization on employment.  He explained the ways to reduce them and said that there is no need to despair in the scientific era but there is a need to be careful in the technological development.  He said, man should reinvent himself so that he can face the challenges created by machines in the coming times and become the winner.

During these 3 days conference, there will be 21 Technical Sessions from different parts of the country and abroad. The total 206 paper presentations will be on salient concepts and themes. The conference is financially supported by Deptt of BME, Blue Amber Foundation, New Delhi, and technically sponsored by IEEE and IEEE-IAS USA and technically supported by CKolon, Bangalore, India.

The event was inaugurated by Prof. Prabha Shankar Shukla, Vice Chancellor, NEHU, Shillong and Chief Guest of the event. Prof Shukla briefly described the societal benefits and how this system can be a better opportunity aming participants to interact virtually. Prof Dr LJ Singh, Dean School of Technology emphasized the importance of the conference. Conference Chair, Dr. Sudip Paul from NEHU University introduced the Conference theme and  the vote of thanks was given by eminent young technocrat Dr. Jitendra Kumar Verma from Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Govt of India, New Delhi.


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