The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project: India’s Monumental Step towards Energy Transformation


New Delhi  – : India, a nation of diverse landscapes and ambitious energy goals, has achieved a significant milestone in its pursuit of energy transformation. The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project, a monumental endeavor near the China border, has reached completion after two decades of determined efforts. This project holds immense importance for the nation’s energy sector and marks a remarkable achievement for the state-owned National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited (NHPC). In this comprehensive article, we delve into the details of this project, its significance, challenges faced, and the positive impact it will have on India’s energy landscape.

The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project: An Overview

The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project, boasting a massive capacity of 2 gigawatts, commenced in 2003 with a vision to harness the power of the Subansiri River for electricity generation. Situated between Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, this project spans across the region, serving as a prime example of India’s commitment to sustainable energy sources.

Powering India: The Need for Hydropower

As India strives to balance its electrical grid amidst the intermittent nature of solar and wind power, hydropower emerges as a crucial component of the nation’s energy mix. The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project will play a pivotal role in addressing this need by providing a substantial 2,000 MW of electricity to the country. With eight units, each capable of generating 250 MW, this project will significantly contribute to meeting India’s growing energy demands.

Overcoming Challenges: Delays and Environmental Concerns

Undoubtedly, the path towards completing the Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project has not been without obstacles. Delays, protests, and legal battles resulted in a significant extension of the project timeline. Originally estimated at Rs 70.2 billion, the cost of the project has tripled to Rs 212.5 billion due to these challenges. However, the National Green Tribunal’s permission to resume construction work in 2019 breathed new life into the project, reinvigorating the hope of its timely completion.

The Rigorous Process of Project Approval

To comprehend the complexity surrounding the construction of hydroelectric projects in India, it is essential to acknowledge the multifaceted approval process they undergo. NHPC Finance Director, Rajendra Prasad Goyal, highlights that these projects necessitate approval from over 40 different departments and ministries. Every aspect undergoes meticulous scrutiny, resulting in significant delays. Such regulatory scrutiny aims to ensure the highest standards of safety, environmental sustainability, and social impact are met.

A Boost to the Local Economy and National Security

The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project not only contributes to India’s energy requirements but also presents an opportunity to boost the local economy. Large dams, like this one, have proven to be catalysts for economic growth, especially in regions along the borders with China and Pakistan, where tensions often prevail. Recognizing the potential of hydropower, the government has granted large dams clean energy status, offering incentives and budgetary support for civil construction and flood control work.

Future Prospects: Commissioning and Operationalization

As NHPC’s Finance Director, Rajendra Prasad Goyal, confidently affirms, the first unit of the Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project will be commissioned by the end of this year. Subsequently, all eight units are set to become operational by December 2024. The completion of this project signifies a momentous achievement for India, propelling the nation further on its path towards sustainable energy and reducing its carbon footprint.


The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project stands as a testament to India’s unwavering commitment to energy transformation. Despite the challenges faced during its construction, this ambitious project showcases the nation’s dedication to harnessing the power of nature for a greener future. As India’s energy landscape evolves, the Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project will emerge as a shining example of sustainable development and a vital contributor to the nation’s power needs.


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