The people would expect them to be the role model : Justice Ranjan Gogoi




The 6th Induction Training Programme for newly
recruited 82 Judicial Officers from Haryana commenced at Chandigarh
Judicial Academy  here today. Mr. Justice Ranjan Gogoi,Chief Justice, Punjab and Haryana High Court-cum-Patron-in-Chief of Chandigarh Judicial Academy, who inaugurated the  year  long Induction Training Programme congratulated the  newly appointed Judicial Officers stating that they are the best as they have been selected out of 10,000 applicants and have broken
the myth, “The best do not come into law.” Best are coming into the
law and choosing career in judicial service, he added.

He said that the people would expect them to be the role model.  “What
is expected of a Judge is self discipline. You have to develop self
discipline in yourself.  The Judge has to be punctual and disciplined.
A judge is focus of attention in the Court. The conduct of the
proceedings requires the Judge to be in model role. The Court is to be
controlled by the Judge.   If the briefs of the cases which are fixed
for next day should be read at the previous night the files can be
disposed of effectively.  Then you will not be in trouble”, he added.

Mr. Justice Ranjan Gogoi urged them to be polite to the Advocate but
they have to be firm.   Judgments should not be kept pending.   If the
case is complicated, jot down  the points.  Judicial powers should be
used for public good. If they are fair and act bonafidely, every High
Court judge would help them.
On this occasion, the Chief Justice gave away books to all the newly
recruited judicial offices containing judicial ethics to be followed
by the Judges and advised them to read at least two pages daily till
they remember it orally.

Mr. Justice Permod Kohli, President, Board of Governors, Chandigarh
Judicial Academy welcomed the Chief Justice and other  Judges of
Punjab and Haryana High Court as well  as newly appointed judicial

Mr. Justice Permod Kohli informed that 6th Induction
Training Programme was being organized by the Chandigarh Judicial
Academy.  He said that now for the first time H.C.S. (Executive
Branch) as well as Judicial Officers from the State of Jammu & Kashmir
would visit Chandigarh Judicial Academy for training.

Mr. Justice Ajay Kumar Mittal thanked all present on the occasion and
informed about DOs and DONTs for Judges.

This function was also attended by   sitting and
retired Judges of Punjab and Haryana High Court.   Judicial officers
from the States of Punjab, Haryana and U.T. Chandigarh attended the

Mr. Shekhar Dhawan, Director (Admn.) Chandigarh
Judicial Academy said that 82 Judicial Officers from the State of
Haryana joined the Chandigarh Judicial Academy on April 16,2011 and
would undergo one year Induction Training programme consisting of
institutional training in the Academy as well as field training,
revenue training and police training.


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