The court can then quash the right to same-sex marriage

The US Supreme Court in a landmark 1973 decision in the Roe v. Wade case struck down the constitutional right to abortion given to women. After this, there has been speculation about the end of same-sex marriage and the right to use contraceptives.

Those in favor of liberal social norms are of the opinion that the way has now been cleared for conservatives to challenge same-sex marriage. For this, conservatives may soon come forward to put forward their demand.

According to a news, this apprehension has also been strengthened by the decision of the Supreme Court. In which one judge, Justice Clarence Thomas, made it clear that other rights not explicitly mentioned by the 18th-century framers of the Constitution could curtail those rights.

Justice Thomas referred to the landmark Supreme Court rulings that legalized contraception, same-sex and same-sex marriage. Supreme Court decisions established rights that were not explicitly included in the Bill of Rights.

Liberals believe Justice Thomas’ opinion could serve as a signal for conservatives to immediately launch a campaign to challenge same-sex marriage. Some suspect that local authorities may begin to deny marriage certificates to homosexual couples based on religious objections.

Due to which new challenges can start to arise. Kim Davis of Kentucky became a darling of conservatives after trying to do the same in 2015. There are fears that dozens of such Kim Davis may appear in the future. Sooner or later these cases will reach the Supreme Court and the court can then end the right to same-sex marriage. PLC/GT


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