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एम् डी यूं ओल्ड प्रथम सेमेस्टर की परीक्षा सारणी पुनः संशोधित – क्वालीफाइंग...

आई एन वी सी,, हरियाणा,, महर्षि दयानंद विश्वविद्यालय, रोहतक ने बी एस सी (बायोटैक्नोलोजी) ओल्ड प्रथम सेमेस्टर की परीक्षा सारणी पुनः संशोधित की गई है। विश्वविद्यालय...

SLLM is a significant step towards implementation of the policy Access to justice for...

INVC,, Haryana,,       Para-legal volunteers are being appointed in rural areas to promote legal literacy and Legal Aid Clinics have been set up for...

Adding that appetite for continuous learning and intellectual growth held the key to...

INVC,, Haryana,, President CII and Vice Chairman Tata Steel Mr. B. Muthuraman stressed  the need for the young managers to be mindful of the larger needs...

28 per cent of the students were taking up assignments in the financial sector...

INVC,,Haryana,,The Final Placement Season of the first batch of 2012 at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Rohtak was a resounding success as  the students had...

MDU will observe National Youth Day.

INVC,, Rohtak,, Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak will observe National Youth Day on January 12.           While stating this today, a spokesman of the University said that...

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