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Constantly strive for the availability of Remdesivir

INVC NEWSRanchi,Hon'ble Chief Minister Hemant Soren chaired a high-level meeting to review the rising Covid-19 situation in the state and preparations made for it's...

Nature blessed Himachal Pradesh with natural beauty

INVC NEWSShimla,Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said that State Government was endeavouring to provide adequate facilities to the tourists visiting the State.  Chief Minister...

राजस्व अभियान के अच्छे परिणाम आये हैं

आई एन वी सी न्यूज़ उज्जैन , मुख्य सचिव बी.पी.सिंह ने कहा है कि प्रदेश में राजस्व अभियान के अच्छे परिणाम आये हैं। पिछले तीन माह...

HM launches single vaccine against two disease

INVC NEWS Bengaluru, The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare launched Measles Rubella (MR) vaccination campaign in the country at a function in Bengaluru, here today....

Piyush Goyal Reviews J & K Power Sector in Srinagar

INVC NEWS Srinagar , Piyush Goyal ,Union Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal and Renewable Energy took a review meeting of the power sector of J&K,...

Statehood Day celebrated at Bilaspur.Rapid Progress witnessed by State in 44 years : ...

INVC NEWS Shimla, After hoisting the tricolour on the occasion of 45th Statehood Day in the premises of Senior Secondary School (Boys) at Bilaspur  today,  Chief...

Ministry Expressesconcern on the issue of Safety and Security of Children within School

INVC, Delhi, The Ministry of HRD today has expressed deep concern about the safety and security of children within school in view of media reports of...

Bal Vigyan Conference concluded at Chamba

INVC,, Shimla,, S. Roy, Chief Secretary said that State Government was laying special emphasis on harnessing the solar and wind energy. He was presiding over the...

The National Policy on Education recognizes close inter-linkages between sports, education and health :...

INVC,,Shimla,,Sports, Education and Health are interlinked with each other and needs to be made an integral part of the school curriculum which...

कोई भी धर्म हिंसा या हत्या कि वकालत नहीं करता : आरिफ मोहम्मद खान

आई.एन. वी.सी ,, दिल्ली,,आतंकवाद और अतिवाद की कठोर निंदा करते हुए, अहमदिया मुस्लिम युवा संगठन ने आज नई दिल्ली प्रबंधन संस्थान में आयोजित शांति संगोष्ठी में सार्वभौमिक...

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