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Tag: arun jaitley

A response to the Home Minister’s plea for establishment of a National Counter Terrorism...

Arun Jaitley  **India has been on the radar of terrorism both domestic and cross-border for the past three decades. We successfully tackled terrorism in...

Why Justice Markandey Katju must quit as the Chairman of the Press Cuncil of...

  Arun Jaitley  ** The last week witnessed a selective targeting of two popular non-CongressState Governments and its leaders by Justice MarkandeyKatju, a retired judge of the...

Why Dilute the Lokpal Bill Again ?

ARUN JAITLEY                 For over four and a half decades the LokpalBill has been a subject matter of public debate. A legitimate impression has gone...

Two different meanings to the word ‘Consultation’*

Arun Jaitley**,,  The Supreme Court on 11th January, 2013 has delivered the Judgement in the Karnataka Upa Lokayukta case.  I had made a detailed comment on January 3rd 2013 on another...

The Supreme Court judgement in the Gujarat In Lokayukata’s case

ARUN JAITLEY**,, The Judgement of the Supreme Court in the case relating to the appointment of Lokayukta in Gujarat has thrown up two issues ;...

वीबीएस का रहस्य

अरूण जेटली**,,मीडिया में आई खबरों से यह तथ्य सामने आया है कि एक स्टील निर्माता कंपनी पर आयकर विभाग ने छापा मारा था और...

Why is there ‘Negativism’

ARUN JAITLEY**,, The Prime Minister appeared concerned with the environment of cynicism in the country on the issue of corruption when he addressed the Anti-Corruption...

An Analysis of the Communal violence Bill as drafted by the NAC

Arun Jaitley**A draft of a proposed legislation  titled “Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011” has been put...

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