T.S.R. Subramanian to review various Acts administered by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change

T.S.R. SubramanianINVC NEWS
New Delhi,
The Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment & Forests, headed by Shri Ashwani Kumar, M.P., Rajya Sabha proposed to consider the above cited Report and invited views/suggestions/comments thereon from individuals/experts/Non Governmental Organisation/Stake-holders interested in the subject matter.

Some of the major recommendations of the Committee provide for economic incentives for increased community participation in farm and social forestry by way of promoting and proving statutory safeguards to ‘treelands’ as distinct from ‘forest’; making preparation of Wildlife Management plans mandatory and inserting a provision to this effect in the Wild Life Protection Act; creation of National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) at Central Level and State Environment Management Authority (SEMA) at the State level as full time processing/clearance/monitoring agencies; special treatment for linear projects, power/mining and strategic border projects; incorporation of noise pollution as an offence in Environmental Protection Act, etc. The report is available on the website of Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.

Those desirous of submitting their views and suggestions to the Committee may send their written memoranda (either in English or Hindi) to Shri M.K. Khan, Joint Secretary, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, 240, Second Floor, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi-110001 (Tel.: 23034047) or e-mail at mkhan@sansad.nic.in upto 31st December 2014. Those willing to appear before the Committee for oral evidence, besides sending Memoranda, are requested to indicate so. The Memoranda submitted to the Committee would form part of the records of the Committee and would be treated as confidential. Website:- rajyasabha.nic.in. E-mail: rsc-st@sansad.nic.in.


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