In order to meet with the Power demand Sh.
Ram Niwas Home Secretary cum Secretary Engineering UT has signed four
agreement with NTPC for purchase of 20 MW power from Tanda Thermal
Power Project Stage-II, Tapovan Vishnugad Hydro Power Station,
Rupsiyabagar Khasiabara Hydro Electric Project, Singrauli Super
Thermal Power Station Stage-III,:
Chandigarh has no power generation of its own and to meet with the
requirement of power, the same is being purchased from BBMB and from
NTPC, NHPC, NPCIL. The power requirement in the City on account of
development of city and population growth has risen to the extent that
average power requirement of UT Chandigarh has touched 50 LU per day
and the peak demand has been recorded 323 MW against total
allocation/availability of power to the tune of 270 MW. Anticipated
demand by the end of year 2014-15 has been worked out as 422 MW.