Sex and viagra : Know what the new research says about Viagra

Viagra is the brand name of the drug sildenafil, which people use to treat erectile dysfunction. Only people of 18 years and above can buy this medicine. In simple language, it can be understood that the drug increases the blood flow in the private part. Due to this the erection is maintained and intercourse becomes possible.

However, taking this medicine without expert advice is very harmful. According to the report, Viagra starts working within 1 hour of taking it. It is also possible that it starts working after half an hour of eating and it is also possible that it may not have an effect for 4 hours. If your doctor has prescribed this medicine for erectile dysfunction and it does not seem to work, then do not increase the dose on your own. Always consult a doctor.

According to health experts, the drug Sildenafil, which is found in the name of Viagra, is given in the case of a disease like lung fibrosis. This increases the blood flow. During treatment, 30 to 100 mg of this is given. When this medicine is taken in high doses, the blood pressure drops. BP becomes so low that the blood supply to the heart and brain is cut off. Schema occurs in this brain and heart.

Health experts say that for erectile dysfunction, this medicine should not be taken in the form of IV i.e. injection. It causes more harm than taking oral medicine. It is better to avoid oral and IV medications for erectile dysfunction. There are local ointments or erection pumps which are safe to use. The doctor told that Viagra should not be used without the advice of a health expert. He also said that in view of the side effects of Viagra, it should be banned. PLC/GT


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