Secrets of Vastu Shastra for Home Energy and Happiness with FAQs


Mumbai  : The Many cultures around the world believe that the objects we keep in our homes can have a significant impact on our lives and destiny. While some may consider it a matter of superstition, others believe that it is a reflection of the energy and vibes that certain objects can bring into our living space. In this article, we will tell you about five items that are often considered inauspicious to keep in your home. Whether you believe in these beliefs or not, it is always interesting to learn about different cultural perspectives on energy and positivity in our living environments.

Thorny Cactus – A Thorn in Your Energy?

Indoor plants are a common choice for adding a touch of greenery and beauty to homes. However, there is one plant that is believed to bring negative energy into your living space – the sharp thorn cactus. According to astrology and Vastu Shastra, it is advised not to keep a cactus plant in your home. As the plant grows, its thorns increase, and it is believed to bring negative energy and troubles into your life. If you have a cactus in your home, it is recommended to remove it to maintain a more positive environment.

Old Newspapers and Junk Collected – Cluttering Your Positivity?

It is not uncommon for some homes to store old newspapers, magazines, and scrap items in the hope that they may come in handy someday. However, from a Vastu point of view, keeping piles of old newspapers and garbage can invite negative energy into your home. Dust and dirt can accumulate on these items, creating an environment that brings negative emotions and discord into your family. To maintain a harmonious environment, it is advisable to regularly clean and remove old newspapers and unnecessary junk.

Broken or Stuck Lock – Blocking Your Progress?

In Vastu Shastra, it is strictly prohibited to keep broken or stuck locks in your house. Locks are a symbol of security and protection. A damaged or stuck lock is seen as a sign of obstacles and blockages in your life. It is believed that such locks can block career progress and hinder personal growth. To avoid these negative effects, it is recommended to immediately repair or replace faulty locks and ensure that all the doors in your home open and close smoothly.

Non-Working or Stopped Clocks – Stagnation in Your Life?

Clocks are more than just timekeeping devices; They also represent the flow of time and progress in life. In Vastu, keeping closed or closed clocks in the house is considered inauspicious. A stopped clock symbolizes stagnation and can be associated with a lack of progress in various aspects of life. To maintain a positive atmosphere, it is advisable to ensure that all the clocks in your home are working and accurately reflect the passage of time.

Old or Broken Idols of Gods and Goddesses – Disturbing Spiritual Harmony?

For people who follow religious practices and keep idols or idols of gods and goddesses in their homes, it is essential to maintain these representations properly. Old or broken idols of gods and goddesses are believed to carry negative energy and can disrupt the flow of positive energy in your home. It is advisable to clean and replace damaged or old idols of Gods and Goddesses from time to time to maintain a spiritually harmonious environment.


Although these beliefs are rooted in cultural and spiritual traditions, it is important to remember that the positive or negative energy in our homes is influenced by a variety of factors, including our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. Whether you follow these beliefs or not, maintaining a clean, organized, and harmonious living space can contribute to a more positive and peaceful environment for you and your family. So, although it is interesting to explore these cultural perspectives, the most important aspect is creating a home that brings happiness and satisfaction in your life.


  1. Is it necessary to follow these beliefs about objects in our homes?
    • While it’s not mandatory, some people find that following these beliefs brings them a sense of peace and positivity.
  2. Can negative energy really affect our lives?
    • Believers argue that negative energy can influence our thoughts and actions, ultimately impacting our lives.
  3. Are there any other objects that we should avoid in our homes?
    • Yes, there are many other beliefs about objects, so it’s essential to explore what aligns with your values and beliefs.
  4. How can I create a positive energy in my home?
    • Keeping a clean and organized space, as well as fostering positive relationships, can help create a positive environment.
  5. Should I consult an expert on these matters?

    • If you’re deeply interested in these beliefs or experiencing negative energy, consulting an expert can provide guidance tailored to your situation.


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