Mumbai : Samsung has officially confirmed the launch of its new smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy M34 5G, in India. The phone is set to be launched on July 7 and will be exclusively available for purchase on Amazon India. One of the key features of the Galaxy M34 5G is its 50-megapixel primary camera, which will come equipped with Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) to ensure a steady and shake-free photography experience. Additionally, the camera will also be supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.
The Galaxy M34 5G will sport a Super AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, offering users a smooth and enhanced viewing experience. The display will also feature Vision Booster technology, further enhancing the overall visual quality.
A notable camera feature of the Galaxy M34 5G is the Monster Shot 2.0, which enables users to capture four videos and four photos simultaneously with a single click. The phone also includes a dedicated night photography mode, typically found in Samsung’s flagship devices.
Moreover, the Galaxy M34 5G will offer 16 built-in lens effects, providing users with a range of creative options for their photographs. In terms of battery life, the phone will be equipped with a massive 6000mAh battery, promising up to two days of backup. However, information about fast charging capabilities has not been disclosed at this time.