Re-employment of teachers-A step towards quality education



The Education has been on the priority agenda of the State Government and endeavour is to make the State, the Educational Hub of the country. The educational Institutions of par excellence are being opened in the State.

In order to prevent disruption of studies of the students, State Government has formulated policy to re-employ the teachers retiring during the academic session. The aim is to ensure continued availability of teachers and all other officers with a view to provide quality education in the State. The policy would be applicable to all regular teachers who have been teaching classes from first to post graduate.

The teachers and other officers as Block Primary Education Officers, Assistant District Physical education Officers, Deputy Director Higher/Elementary Education shall be eligible for reemployment in the educational institutions and offices where they served at the time of retirement, depending upon their willingness to serve till the end of the current academic session.

The government has taken a decision that the re-employment would be for running academic session only. For current academic session the re-employment will be till 31st March in summer and 31st December, 2010 in winter vacation schools. However, the re-employment of teachers in colleges and other officers would come to an end on 31st March for current academic session.

The authority to re-employ each category of teachers vests in Block Primary Education Officer, for Junior Basic Teachers (JBT), Head Teachers (HT), and Central Head Teachers (CHT). The C&V, Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) and Lecturers of school cadre need to apply to Head Master (HM), Principal or Head of the Institution they are serving. In case of college cadre lecturers, the head of the Institution or the Principal has been designated to give re-employment. Deputy Director, Higher Education of the concerned district has the authority to re-employ HM or Principal of school cadre. Similarly, Principal of college cadre and Deputy Director Higher Education can apply for re-employment to Director Higher Education.

Any other officers, posted in DD’s Higher and Elementary education and those posted in Directorate of Higher and Elementary education can apply for re-employment to Deputy Director Higher/Elementary education of district concerned and Director of Higher/Elementary education respectively.

The Government has decided that after April, 2011, the re-employment in winter vacations schools will also close on 31st March henceforth. It has been cleared in the policy that no re-employment would be given to the teachers retiring during the vacations, which fall at the end of academic session and those retiring on the last day of academic session.

The decision of the State Government has come at a right time when the government is stressing on strengthening, education, health services and road network to benefit the common man. The policy so formulated would go a long way not only in avoiding adverse impact upon the studies but would also help in unhindered quality education.


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