The Jagan Mohan Reddy government of Andhra Pradesh has taken a big decision after the stampede in the political rally of former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu. The Reddy government has banned holding of political rallies and political meetings on National Highways and State Highways. In fact, there was a stampede at the recent rallies organized by the Telugu Desam Party in Kandukur and Guntur. Many people lost their lives in these incidents while dozens were injured.
Seeing both the incidents, the Andhra government has issued new guidelines regarding political rallies. There has been a ruckus on the orders of the Reddy government. Opposition parties allege that the government has deliberately issued this order to suppress rallies and marches by opposition parties.
After the incident of stampede in two consecutive political rallies, the state government swung into action and issued new guidelines. Instructions have been issued to the Superintendents of Police by the Home Department. It clearly states that no political rallies or meetings should be allowed on National Highways and State Highways or next to them. In the order, it has been said to ban political programs on the roads of Panchayat and Municipal Corporation. Although here permission can be given with conditions.
It has been said in the order of the Home Department that the construction of National and State Highways has been done keeping in mind the high-speed connectivity. Business-related activities will be disrupted if public meetings are held on these roads. No applicant should be allowed to hold meeting or rally on State or National Highway. PLC/GT