BJD supremo and Chief Minister of Odisha mr Naveen pattanaik did not rule out the possibility of joining NDA government but said let the result comes, then he will decide which way to go. Mr Pattnaik added joining the third front is also not clear it depends upon the result as well. Although it is very much in speculation and discussions that in Delhi and in Bhubaneswar’s political circle NDA is negotiating with BJD with an offer of three ministerial birth to be given to BJD if it joins the NDA government.
BJD supremo and Chief Minister of Odisha mr Naveen pattanaik did not rule out the possibility of joining NDA government but said let the result comes, then he will decide which way to go. Mr Pattnaik added joining the third front is also not clear it depends upon the result as well. Although it is very much in speculation and discussions that in Delhi and in Bhubaneswar’s political circle NDA is negotiating with BJD with an offer of three ministerial birth to be given to BJD if it joins the NDA government.