Nature interpretation centre itself shall become a major tourist attraction : Ram Niwas




Chandigarh Administration plans to have a new tourist attraction at the Regulatory end of Sukhna lake with the  Nature Interpretation Centre to have pictorial display panels of migratory birds, resident birds and other rare species found in the lower Shivalik hills. Chandigarh Administration has sanctioned an amount of Rs 50 lacs to make 3D- dimensional pictorial display panels to highlight the habitat flora and fauna found near the Sukhna Lake area and also in Nepli and Kansal forest reserve sanctuaries at the Nature Interpretation Centre which is all set to promote Eco Tourism and to educate and create awareness amongst the visitors about the rich floral and faunal heritage of this region.

According to the Secretary Tourism Sh.Ram Niwas, “Nature interpretation centre itself shall become a major tourist attraction as it shall be a green building infrastructure in form of earth shelter with mushroom shaped skylights .He further added ,each 3D dimensional panel shall provide information and good insight about the migratory bird’s habitat, season of migration, images of different species of migratory birds found near the Sukhna lake area and other interesting features”. In addition to this Nature interpretation centre will have an Audio video media “Birds Interactive display system” where the visitors can have one way interaction with the birds voice modulator whereby the  natural voice of the Birds of different species can be heard. Birds interactive display feature will be the main attraction especially for the children as there are some species which are rare to be found in the urban area and to recognize the different calls of the birds which will enhance the entertainment and education quotient of the visitors.

The Nature Interpretation Centre will also have viewing galleries. New interactive three dimension ‘panels’ shall also be helpful to disseminate information and spread awareness on key aspects of Nature’s conservation, starting from forests and wildlife,  the galleries will unfold many facets on biodiversity, floral richness of Sukhna Lake, migratory birds etc.  The purpose of Nature Interpretation centre is to raise awareness of environmental issues, to sensitize, to create understanding and appreciation of the site and also to educate visitors about natural resources, the relationship between humans and natural resources and the need for conservation of nature. This centre will be the most effective and exciting medium for interpreting the Nature to the large number of visitors.

The Brochures on birds and their behaviour, migratory pattern etc will be made available including binoculars so that the viewers and tourists can have panorama view of the Sukhna Lake and the migratory birds. Besides above, all relevant information on the tourist spots in the form of brochures will be made available to the visitors and tourist at the regulatory end of Sukhna lake which is all set to become a major tourist destination with landscapes environs and new Garden of Silence.


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