More than 10 lakh bank employees and officers will go on an all-India bank strike on June 27

Bank Strike

On the call of the United Forum of Bank Unions, which includes 9 bank employee-officer organizations and represents almost 100% of the bank employees and officers of the banking industry, more than 10 lakh bank employees and officers across the country All India banks will join strike on 27 June 2022 in support of their demands.

The agitating bank workers are demanding – start the five-day banking week soon (all Saturdays and Sundays are holidays), speed up pension updation, abolish the National Pension Scheme (NPS) and restore the DA linked old pension scheme, remaining pending. Resolve the issues quickly, expand the salary revision in Catholic Syrian Bank and DBS Bank (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), etc.

United Forum of Bank Unions Madhya Pradesh’s coordinator VK Sharma and convener Sanjeev Sablok told that since last many years the legitimate demands of bank employees are pending.

But ignoring the demands by the bank management, they are being evasive in their redressal. The decision of the bank unions to go on a nationwide strike is a forced step. From peons to managers will be involved in this nationwide bank strike and this strike will be so widespread that even the locks of banks will not open. If the bank management does not take the demands seriously even after this, then in the coming days there will be more nationwide strike in the banking industry. PLC/GT


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