The enchanting story of Monalisa, a young woman from Indore who captured the hearts of millions during the Mahakumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj, has taken the internet by storm. From selling Rudraksha and beaded garlands to becoming a social media sensation overnight, her journey has left people awestruck. Amidst the growing buzz, rumors of Monalisa earning ₹10 crore in just 10 days have added to the intrigue. But what is the truth behind these claims? Let us uncover the reality in this comprehensive report.
Did Monalisa Really Earn ₹10 Crore in 10 Days?
The buzz around Monalisa took a dramatic turn when claims surfaced that she had earned a staggering ₹10 crore in just 10 days at the Maha Kumbh Mela. The rumors suggested that her newfound fame had skyrocketed the sales of her garlands, leading to extraordinary profits.
However, when approached by the media, Monalisa candidly dismissed these rumors. Speaking to reporters, she said, “We have not earned anything close to what people are claiming. If we had made ₹10 crore, we wouldn’t still be here selling garlands.” She further explained that while her popularity brought more visitors to their stall, the earnings were far from the exaggerated figures circulating online.
Who is Monalisa? A Glimpse Into Her Life
Monalisa hails from Indore, Madhya Pradesh, a city known for its vibrant culture and entrepreneurial spirit. Coming from a humble background, she and her family earn their livelihood by selling rudraksha beads and traditional garlands at fairs and religious gatherings.
The Maha Kumbh Mela, one of the world’s largest spiritual gatherings, brought Monalisa and her family to Prayagraj. Their modest stall, tucked amidst thousands of others, initially seemed unremarkable. However, fate had different plans for Monalisa.
The Rise to Internet Stardom: Natural Beauty That Mesmerized Millions
It all began when Monalisa’s videos started circulating on social media platforms. Her striking natural beauty, highlighted by her captivating hazel eyes and radiant smile, quickly caught the attention of onlookers. Within days, she became a viral sensation, with her pictures and videos garnering millions of views.
Social media users couldn’t stop gushing over her simplicity and elegance. Comments flooded in, with people comparing her beauty to that of famous actresses. Influencers and content creators amplified her fame by sharing her story, and soon, Monalisa’s name was on everyone’s lips.