Mahalaya and Shani Amavasya: Do’s and Don’ts for a Blessed Day


New Delhi : Unlock the spiritual essence of Mahalaya and Shani Amavasya with our comprehensive guide. Learn what to avoid buying and how to align your rituals for maximum spiritual gains. Don’t miss out on this celestial opportunity!

The Cosmic Intersection of Mahalaya and Shani Amavasya

Mahalaya Amavasya and Shani Amavasya combine to form a highly significant day in the Hindu calendar. Amavasya occurs when the Sun and Moon align, casting a unique shadow on Earth, while Shani Amavasya carries its own set of astrological implications. These two lunar phases stand as powerful touchstones for rituals, particularly ancestor worship. This guide unravels what you should and shouldn’t do to make the most of this unique day.

Amavasya: A Day of Ancestral Reverence

Why is Amavasya Important?

Amavasya is not just another new moon day; it is a day dedicated to ancestor worship. According to Hindu scriptures, this is the day when the celestial energies favor rites and rituals aimed at paying respects to one’s forefathers. This makes it a unique opportunity to connect with the spiritual realm and seek blessings for prosperity and well-being.

Amavasya and Purnima: The Dual Lunar Phases

In a month, the lunar cycle brings us both Amavasya and Purnima. While Purnima is celebrated as a day of abundance and illumination, Amavasya serves as a day of reflection and homage to ancestors. This duality balances the lunar energies and provides a comprehensive spiritual experience.

Things to Avoid Buying on Amavasya: A Cautionary Guide

Broom: The Link to Goddess Lakshmi

Buying a broom on Amavasya is considered inauspicious. It is believed to anger Goddess Lakshmi, thereby impeding the flow of income and inviting negative energies into the household. The broom is not just a cleaning tool; it symbolizes cleanliness and prosperity, making it a sacred item that should not be purchased on this day.

Liquor: The Spiritual Downfall

Since the day is dedicated to ancestors and is also influenced by Shani Dev, buying or consuming liquor is strongly discouraged. Alcohol is said to invite negative energies, leading to a myriad of problems in one’s life.

Meat: The Astrological Implications

Purchasing or consuming meat on Amavasya could adversely affect your horoscope. It’s also believed to increase Saturn-induced problems. Abstaining from meat aligns you with the spiritual energies of the day and keeps you in harmony with astrological forces.

Wheat Flour: A Forbidden Purchase

The scriptures advise against buying wheat and flour on Amavasya. Doing so is considered to bring inauspicious energies, especially during the new moon day of the Purtasi month.

Oil and Worship Materials: The Subtle Nuances

Avoid applying oil on your head on Amavasya. Instead, donating oil is considered auspicious and helps in alleviating Shani Dosha. Similarly, one should refrain from buying worship materials like pati, camphor, sampirani, and flowers on this day. Donating these items to the needy can attract positive energies.

Conclusion: Navigating the Spiritual Terrain of Mahalaya and Shani Amavasya

Mahalaya Amavasya and Shani Amavasya are not just dates on the Hindu calendar; they are celestial events steeped in spiritual significance. Observing the right practices and avoiding specific purchases can make a world of difference. Aligning your actions with the spiritual and astrological energies of the day ensures you receive the manifold blessings this unique cosmic alignment offers.


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