Learn to rule the world with your beauty

– Nalin Verma –

Woman and beauty, these two are synonyms. In today’s world, women are more empowered and conquering the world in their own beautiful way. In present days women are setting trends and breaking them for a new one. Fashion is becoming easier to carry nowadays, you wear two different coloured socks in a pair, a blink of the eyes it will become a trend. So, not only the outer beauty, you can rule the world with your inner beauty too. Inner confidence is a gift that plays out in many ways. Life gets easier while you feel an inner confidence. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But key to inner beauty is universal.

Beauty trends run so fast. Catching up with them and updating your style segment, is an art. Where 2016 talked about organic products, 2017 is going to see trends in other directions. This year will demand products even rawer and closer to their natural state. Use products which contain herbal extracts, antioxidants, vitamins and essential oils. Don’t use products which are loaded with the chemicals. The best ingredients are natural to repair your skin and looking fresh and young. Some of the new trends will rule in the coming days:


Grace is the undeniable quality of the depth of your personal wisdom. You are vulnerable yet self-assured your energy has a mystery; you should handle it in a noble and ethical way. To be graceful is to be strong and assured that who you are and to noble gently within that energy.

Richness in probiotic products

Awareness of richness of pro-biotic products: People have already started opting such products. They are leaving behind the chemical one which harms their skin with un-repair skin. Helpful bacterias like Lactobacillus and Bifid Bacterium are now in these products. These products are working to change the tradition in 2017.

High tech products will take over

High tech products will protect you from various skin problems. They reduce your patches and even match to your skin tone. They also help to hide your imperfection. These products should handle with care; or else it can damage your skin as in un-repairable damage. Choose your product and salon wisely. Advancements in technology in the form of 3D printers had an impact. Facial cleansing is at the same level for brands on mass segments as well as premium level.

The fresh aqua

Freshwater products are now more preferable. The big beauty brands are investing a lot in it and made the product pure with water availability. These big brands are ready to do anything for it. Many sources are taking place for the same likely the climbing mountains for the possible purest drop of water. For the health of the skin, there’s a need of presence and retention of moisture. Luxury brands are combining solution bases from multiple sources for the purest water droplets. Brands are taking water transparency and welcoming their customers to take a peek into their manufacturing process.

Hair Care is an art

If we talk about beauty, first and foremost thing which comes to our mind is the hair. Every woman is very possessive about her hair styling. But due to work pressure or for social stress, women cannot take proper care of their hair, styling at times. If you are really busy in your life with work and others, don’t even get time for a hairdo; change your path towards colouring your hair. Colouring is still in trend and can enhance your personality. Some of the most trending hair colors are:

·       ‘Toasted Blonde’ which can give you a warm and polished look, the color is rich and natural.

·       ‘Ombre’ still is in run to allow your hair a dip-dyed looks with perfection.

·       ‘Smoked Peaches and Cream’ is really a trending. It will give your hair a beautiful sea sunset moment; because it’s the combination of blonde, tangerine and charcoal hues.

·       ‘Blorange’ is the appealing color of orange shades and the exquisite mixing of blonde and ginger.

·       ‘Blonde Gray’ is the look where you give your hair a matured look yet fashionable. Blonde is hot in this season because of its two-way color; in the light, you can see the color blonde and when turning to dark, the color shows up like chocolate. Red Brown lies between two shades, full-blown auburn and mild brunette.

·       ‘Rainbow Hair Color’ is the newest swing in the hair color world!

In 2017, hair spray is in high demand. To give your rough hair a good look you can use hairspray for your hair. Hair spray also helps you to keep your hair in certain style. Some want a messy look, some want to hold up the hair straight. So you are the one who will set trends and change. In 2016, Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini‎’s autumn/winter 2016 hairstyle, they used a nice colorful ribbon to lock the ponytail. So here we can say that trend should not be always new, it can be old and make its comeback as a new trend too.

Eye Makeup

After hair, eyes come eventually. Eye makeup is very important. We all know that classic smoky eyes are way beautiful when you create it with kohl. But now in a new trend, smudgy eyes are the talk of the town. So besides classic smoky eyes, you can also give your eyes a bohemian look by smudgy eyeliner make up. Wear dark mascara, Kajal or eyeliner this will bring out the intense beauty of your eyes.

Eyeliner, eyelashes and Kajal are not only considered as eye make-up products. There is a huge craze of contact lenses nowadays. The style is now on the peak. Therefore eye makeup is not limited to only the eyes makeup it also beautifies the eye iris.

Eyebrows are very important part of your face. Slim-Line eyebrow is the new craze. But meanwhile, eyebrows are treated as fashion trends too. In some fashion statements colored eyebrows are in trend now!

Enhancing your beauty

To boom your jaw, neck and throat you should do some work out or yoga. Yoga is very helpful for your health. If you are not fit your beauty will be caged inside. Go for morning walk with some free hand exercises, like tilt your head back and try to kiss the ceiling.  Repeat this 4 times a day. To prevent premature aging from sunburn always use Sunscreen. Self-protection from sun tanning: – mix 1tbsp of organic sunscreen and the pinch of loose mineral bronzer in your palm and apply it all over your face and get the instant glow.

Adapting new things

“You are what you eat.” Good food keeps you fit and healthy. If you eat healthy food your skin will glow eventually. Healthy food helps to generate new cells and also clear toxins from your body. For food extract based cosmetic products beauty brands are now collaborating with the food brands. It is the new way of adapting the things and taking care of their skin. Health is now directly connected with the beauty of skin. Many drinks are there for the same referred by the salon to their client.

Avoid food with high in sugar and saturated fats or fried food; it will produce wrinkles on your skin. It even causes premature aging of your skin too. Foods high in antioxidants like berries, leafy greens, squashes, tomatoes reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Luxury cosmetic brands collaborating with the food brands and making their products natural.

Give me Skin and Tonic

Talking about beauty and ignoring the skin, is not a good idea. We all want a happy skin, don’t we? But several times for acne problems or other skin problems we don’t get that. For your happy skin always wash your face twice daily. By washing your face, all the dead cells will be removed and the extra oil from your face will also vanish. Always moisture your skin to avoid dryness on your face.

Redressing or for protecting the skin, skin tonic is recommended. A big salon is started offering this treatment for the skin protection. It will protect the skin from harmful chemicals and give a layer of protection to your skin. Awareness of skin hygiene must be required. What’s going inside or outside, understand the imbalance and triggers it out then work to redress them. A luxury salon is now offering the cosmetic nutrients treatment. That is the necessity of your body, so the body can breathe.

To achieve the benefit of inner and outer beauty, you should talk and read about it; like we have talked about many ways you can give back to yourself. Love all of your beauty shines through. Very less makeup and truly natural looking face with a glowing skin is a trend in recent days. You can put a small makeup to make sure your beauty with perfect eye makeup. For skin problems, many are using oil-free beauty products which also mentioned on the label ‘noncomedogenic’ to protect the skin.

Nails are an integral part of upcoming fashion trends

Nails are an integral part of all fashion trends. Nail art is too popular among millions. Some nail arts are like you can attach a tiny fidget spinner on top of your colored nails. Nowadays, metallic colors are also swinging. The eye-catching metallic color will sure raise your fashion quotient.

In forthcoming Christmas, the fashion icons are going to give Glitter a new door. This season glitter is the latest hit among all. Giving your lips a glittery look is way too fashionable. This will give you a beauty statement in another way. In a selfie minded world, the glittery lips will give you the perfect party selfie. And if not glittery lips, go for glittery eyes; make sure that your eyeliner is smudgy black with those glittering eyes. And what is the biggest trend among all? It’s your inner thought, how you define beauty; it’s all about changing your perception of beauty. Carry what you wear, always stay fit.

Yes, you can! You can rule the world with your beauty. In other words, some say that beauty is an inner statement. If your soul, your mind is beautiful, then you are beautiful. Transform yourself; give your look, a new style statement. And of course, don’t forget to wear a smile always. Smile decreases your stress and ease your facial muscle.


About the Author

Nalin Verma

Author & Entrepreneur

Co-Founder & Director, Euro Chroma Institute of Cosmetology (ECIC), the only institute in India supported by Kryolan Professional Makeup.


Disclaimer : The views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC NEWS.



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