New Delhi ,
While paying his tributes in the memory of Dr. Shankar Dayal Singh, The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh said that he was a people’s Politician, Social Worker but above all an eminent Hindi Writer.

Shri Rajnath Singh was speaking at the Dr. Shankar Dayal Singh Jayanti Samaroh organized at Convention Centre, in New Delhi Municipal Council Convention Centre today.
The Union Minister said that the contribution of Dr. Shankar Dayal Singh for promoting the Hindi Language will always be remembered and added that the Hindi language is popularizing day by day not only in our Country but at the international level also. He added that Dr. Shankar Dayal Singh was one of the great Hindi promoter and championed its cause.
Recalling his memoirs with Dr. Singh, Shri Rajnath Singh said that he was very impressed with his charismatic personality and ideology. He added that he was a kind hearted person who has had been always advocating social values, not only in politics but in personal life also.
Shri Rajnath Singh also released the book entitled “Kamta Prasad Singh Kam Pratinidhi Rachnayen” which had been written by daughter of Dr. Shankar Dayal Singh Dr. Rashmi Singh on the occasion.
Recalling his close association over the years with Dr.Shankar Dayal Singh the Deputy Speaker said that it was Dr.Singh who took him to the Parliament for the first time.
In his key note address, Chairman Indira Gandhi National Centre for Art (IGNCA) Shri Ram Bahadur Rai said that Indian cultural heritage, symbol of humanity, had conveyed the message to the whole world towards peace, prosperity and humanity. And it was the need of the hours to follow the Indian Cultural values and ideals, so as to make the Country prosperous and harmonious.
On the occasion former Union Minister Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Dr. Bindeshwari Pathak of Sulabh Sauchalya Movement, TRIA Chairman Shri R.S. Sharma and Secretary, NDMC Dr. Rashmi Singh and other dignitaries were present. Deputy Speaker of Rajya Sabha Shri Harivansh Narayan Singh facilitated Dr. Devesh Pandey by Dr. Shankar Dayal Singh award. The thanks of vote was delivered by the Shri Ranjan Kumar Singh.