Indians living abroad have been a great source of strength for the motherland


External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has said that India will not agree to any attempt by China to unilaterally change the Line of Actual Control. He said that New Delhi’s relations with Beijing are not normal. At the same time, he said that there will be no compromise on the main issues with China. Let us tell you that Jaishankar said this while addressing the Indian community in Cyprus during his first official visit to the Mediterranean country. On the issue of China, Jaishankar said that India faces challenges on its borders which intensified during the Kovid period. “Today, our relations with China are not very normal as we will never agree to any attempt to unilaterally change the Line of Actual Control,” he said.
During his speech, Jaishankar said on the issue of Pakistan that no country is suffering from terrorism as much as India. Without naming any country, he said that we want good neighborly relations with all of them. But good neighborly relations do not mean that the issue of terrorism should be sidelined. We are very clear on the issue of terrorism. The External Affairs Minister said that terrorism cannot be allowed to be used as a tool to bring India to the negotiating table.
Jaishankar said it is very clear from the policies and performance of the Modi government in the field of national security that there will be no compromise on core issues. He said that I can say that at this time the world has a lot of expectations from India. Because today we are seen as a strong economy, seen as a country that will contribute to solving the problems facing the world.
External Affairs Minister Jaishankar also referred to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to bring Russia and Ukraine together to end the conflict, saying, “We are also seen as a country that is independent and has a stand to stand up for.” Have the courage to be. We have the ability to get people around the table to talk to everybody, he said. Jaishankar said the Ukraine conflict is indeed a matter of great concern. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in September that we truly believe that this is no longer an era of war because you cannot resolve differences and issues through violence.

External Affairs Minister Jaishankar said that from the beginning our effort has been to urge Russia and Ukraine to return to dialogue and diplomacy. He said that the Prime Minister himself has spoken on several occasions with President Vladimir Putin and President Volodymyr Zelensky. Jaishankar said that I myself spoke to my colleagues in Russia and Ukraine. “We know this is not an easily resolved situation, but it is important that countries that believe in dialogue speak clearly in this regard,” he said. He said that we are in favor of peace and a large part of the world thinks like us.

Jaishankar said that Indians living abroad and visiting the country after a gap of three-four years are getting to see a changed India. He said that Kovid has been a difficult experience. We have not only dealt with Covid but have come out of the pandemic with a better health system, better delivery system, better social-digital delivery, providing financial or food aid. He underlined that the time has passed in India where people were left to fend for themselves and today people living abroad should appreciate and understand that change. Jaishankar also said that India made economic reforms in various areas. Major reforms include changes in the banking system, credit policy, support to the service sector, small and medium-scale businesses, labor reforms, and education reforms.

Jaishankar said that ever since the Narendra Modi government came to power, it has made it clear that Indians living abroad have been a great source of strength for the motherland. The External Affairs Minister said that in the last seven or eight years, wherever Indians were in trouble in the world, the Government of India reached out to help them. In the final leg of his first official visit to Cyprus, Jaishankar said India will take over the G-20 presidency in such a way that the world understands and appreciates the country’s diversity. Significantly, on December 1, India formally assumed the presidency of the G-20.


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