Imran Khan’s Arrest and Release: A Political Rollercoaster in Pakistan


Karachi ,
The arrest of former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, has created a stir in the country’s political landscape. The government suffered a major setback when the Supreme Court of Pakistan released Imran Khan and termed his arrest as illegal. However, despite his release, Imran Khan was instructed to stay at the Police Lines guest house for safety reasons. In this article, we will delve into the details of Imran Khan’s arrest, his release, and the aftermath.

The Arrest and Court Hearing

During the court hearing, Imran Khan expressed his desire to go home, but the court received information that his Bani Gala house might be set on fire. Hence, the court instructed him to go directly to the guest house from there. The court also asked Imran Khan to provide a list of people who want to meet him. Eventually, the matter of Imran Khan’s arrest reached the Supreme Court, which asked him to appear before the Islamabad High Court the next day. However, the Chief Justice ordered his immediate release after inquiring about his well-being.

Imran Khan’s Reaction

After his release, Imran Khan spoke out about his experience, stating that he was not arrested but rather abducted and beaten in custody. He also claimed that more than 145 fake cases were filed against him. He condemned the violence that ensued after his arrest and expressed his concern for the country’s well-being. He further added that he was treated like a criminal and that he does not want the situation in the country to deteriorate any further.

The Government’s Response

On the other hand, the government’s spokesperson, Maryam Aurangzeb, expressed her dissatisfaction with the court’s decision and called for the resignation of the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Umar Ata Bandyal. She also accused the Supreme Court of giving fuel to a terrorist and alleged that violence was spread under a conspiracy after Imran’s arrest. She further added that the damage caused by Imran in a day was more than what India could do in 75 years. Maryam also raised questions about the Supreme Court’s silence regarding Imran’s alleged scam of 60 billion rupees and accused him of getting the police and rangers attacked.

The arrest and subsequent release of Imran Khan have sparked a political uproar in Pakistan. While his supporters consider his release a victory, the government has expressed its dissatisfaction with the court’s decision. The aftermath of Imran Khan’s release remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure, the political landscape in Pakistan is never dull.


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