Implementation of the Recommendations of the Sachar Committee: Leading to better Results


K. K. Pant**,,

Inclusive growth being the basic mantra of the Government policies at the Centre, a number of steps have been taken by the Government at various levels to ensure that the benefits of development and economic resurgence reach all sections of the society including Minorities. It was in this very context that the Prime Minister had constituted a High Level Committee on Social, Economic and Educational status of the Muslim Community, popularly known as the Sachar Committee, so as to suggest ways to ameliorate the condition of the Muslim Community as a whole. In tune with this policy perspective a large number of measures have been adopted to ensure that the development deficit that exists with respect to the Muslim Community gradually disappears and the Community is able to march ahead on the path of development alongside other communities.

Major recommendations of the Sachar Committee accepted by the Government include the following:

Access to Education – Providing free and high quality education to children up to the age of 14, opening government schools in Muslim concentration areas, awarding scholarships, modernising Madrasas, etc.

Access to Credit – Promoting and enhancing access to Muslims in Priority Sector lending, open more branches in Muslim concentration areas, promote micro finance among women, etc.

Skill Development – Opening  ITIs and Polytechnics to focus on high growth potential in the Muslim concentration areas.

Special Area Development Initiatives –Villages/towns/habitations to be provided with basic amenities, good quality government schools, health facilities, etc. for all poor including Muslims.

Waqf – better utilization of waqf properties, etc.

Measures for Affirmative Action – Setting up of Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC), National Data Bank (NDB) and Assessment and Monitory Authority (AMA).

Thirteen Departments/Ministries report to the Government regarding the progress in implementation of Sachar Committee recommendations on a periodic basis.

Department of Financial Services

  • All public sector banks have been directed to open more branches in districts having a substantial minority population. In 2007-08, 523 branches were opened in such districts while in 2008-09, 537 new branches were opened. In 2009-10, 743 new branches and in 2010-11, 814 new branches were opened. During 2011-12, 1098 branches have beenopened upto 31st March 2012. A total of 5954branches have been opened since 2007-08.
  • RBI revised its Master Circular on the 1st July, 2011 on priority sector lending (PSL)for improving credit facilities to minority communities. As on 31st March 2012, Rs.1,64,748.42 crore, which is 14.55% of  total PSL, were provided to minorities.
  • To promote micro-finance among women, 5,55,563 accounts have been opened for minority women with Rs. 6582.22 crore as micro-credit in 2011-12 up to March 2012.
  • All public sector banks are organizing awareness campaigns in blocks/districts/towns withsubstantial minority population. In 2011-12, 6912 awareness campaigns were organized in such areas up to March 2012.
  • Lead banks  have  organized  4095 entrepreneurial  development  programmes  in blocks/districts/towns with substantial minority population upto March 2012 and the number of beneficiaries is 58,106.

Ministry of Human Resource Development

A multi-pronged strategy to address the educational backwardness of the Muslimcommunity, as brought out by the Sachar Committee, has been adopted-

  • Under the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) scheme, criteria of educationally backward blocks has been revised with effect from 1st April 2008 to cover blocks with lessthan 30% rural female literacy and in urban areas with less than national average of femaleliteracy. Under the scheme, 450 KGBVs have been operationalised in minority concentration districts, so far.  75 KGBVs  have been operationalised  for minority concentration districts during the year 2011-12   up to March 2012.
  • Universalization of access to quality education at secondary stage called Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) has been approved. The scheme envisagespreference to minority concentration areas in opening of Government schools. StateGovernments have been advised to accord priority to setting up of new / upgraded schools inminority concentration areas while appraising proposals under this scheme.  356 New Secondary Schools have been approved in 2011-12 up to March 2012.
  • One model college each would be set up in 374 educationally backward districts (EBDs) of the country. Of 374 EBDs, 67 are in identified minority concentration districts.  During the 11th Plan, 14 model colleges have been sanctioned in MCDs, and funds  of Rs. 2.67 crores have been released.
  • Under  the  Sub-mission  on  polytechnics,  financial  assistance  is  provided  to  the States/UTs for setting up of polytechnics in un-served and under-served districts. 57districts out of 90 minority concentration districts are eligible for consideration under thescheme. So far, 48 minority concentration districts have been covered for setting up ofpolytechnics, and an amount of Rs.254.66 crore have been released up to March 2012.
  • Preference is given by the University Grants Commission for provision of girls’ hostels in universities and colleges in the areas where there is concentration of minorities especiallyMuslims. The UGC has sanctioned 285 Women’s hostels and released Rs.203.69 crore till March 2012 during 11th Plan in Minority Concentration Districts/area.
  • The Area Intensive & Madarsa Modernisation Programme has been revised and bifurcated into two schemes.  A Scheme for Providing Quality Education in Madarsas (SPQEM) has been launched with an allocation of Rs. 325 crore for the Eleventh Five-year Plan.  It contains attractive provisions for better teachers’ salary, increased assistance for books, teaching aids and computers, and introduction of vocational subjects, etc.  An amount of Rs. 139.53 crore has been released during 2011-12 against budget provision of Rs. 150 crore.  The other scheme, which provides financial assistance for Infrastructure Development of Private aided/unaided Minority Institutes (IDMI), has been launched with an allocation of Rs. 125 crore for the Eleventh Five-year Plan.  During 2011-12, an amount of Rs. 48.43 crore has been released to 259 institutions, against budget outlay of Rs. 50.00 crore.
  • For subsequent access to higher education, the Certificates issued by the State MadarsaBoards, whose Certificates and qualifications have been granted equivalence by the corresponding State Boards, would be considered equivalent by the Central Board ofSecondary Education (CBSE), Council of Board of School Education in India (COBSE)or/and by any other school examination board.
  • Academies for professional development of Urdu medium teachers have been set up at three Central Universities namely, Aligarh Muslim University, Jamia Milia IslamiaUniversity, New Delhi and Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad.  During 2011-12, 5092 Urdu Teachers have been trained under Refresher Courses/Workshops.
  • Under the revised scheme, financial assistance is given for appointment of Urdu teachers in a Government school in any locality where more than 25% of the population isfrom Urdu speaking community. The financial assistance would be based on the prevailingsalary structure of Urdu teachers employed with schools of the State Government.Honorarium is also admissible to part-time Urdu teachers.
  • The  States/UTs  have  been  advised  to  undertake  community  based  mobilization campaigns in areas having a substantial population of Muslims.  Saakshar Bharat is being implemented in 372 districts out of 410 eligible districts  where adult female  literacy is 50% or below  as per  2001 Census. Out of 88 Muslim dominated districts, 61 districts have been covered under Saakshar Bharat.
  • Jan Shikshan Sansthans (JSSs) are envisaged in the revised schemes. At present, JSSs areimparting vocational training in 33 out of the 88 Muslim dominated districts in the country.
  • The mid-day meal scheme has been extended to all areas in the country from the year 2008-09 and also covers upper primary schools. Blocks with a concentration of Muslim population are being covered under this scheme.
  • All State Governments/UT administrations have been advised to use existing school buildings and community buildings as study centers for school children.
  • National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has prepared text booksfor all classes in the light of the National Curriculum Framework-2005 (NCF). 16 States have completed revising their curriculum in the light of NCF 2005, while 5 States are currently in the process of doing so, and 11 states follow the NCERT syllabus.  3 UTs have followed the Curriculum of neighbouring States.
  • Thirty five universities have started centers for studying social exclusion and inclusive policy for minorities and scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Besides, 1280 Centers ofEqual Opportunity (CEOs) have been established in 51 universities during 2009-10 and 1345and 1367 such centers are proposed to be established during 2010-11 and 2011-12respectively.

Ministry of Minority Affairs

  • An expert group, constituted to study and recommend the structure and functions of an Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC), submitted its report on 13th March, 2008.  The concept of diversity index has been subsumed in the EOC.  It is proposed to consult experts, intellectuals, academia in order to have a final view on the scope and jurisdiction of the EOC.
  • A Bill to amend Waqf Act, 1995 was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 27th April, 2010 and passed on 7th May, 2010.  It was then referred to the Rajya Sabha.  The Bill was referred to the Select Committee of the Rajya Sabha.  Several sittings of the Select Committee were held. The Select Committee has submitted its report and the same is under examination by the Government.  After the proposed Wakf Act comes into force, Wakf rules will be framed by the States/UTs.
  • The Government has accorded ‘in-principle’ approval for restructuring of National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC). A consultancy firm has been appointed to work out the details for restructuring of NMDFC. The firm has submitted its draft reports which were examined in the Ministry.  A committee chaired by Secretary (Minority Affairs) and Senior Officers of the Department of Financial Services, RBI, and NABAD has been constituted to finalise the restructuring of NMDFC.
  • An Inter-ministerial Task Force constituted to devise an appropriate strategy and action plan for developing 338 identified towns having substantial minority population, has submitted its report on 8th November, 2007. The concerned Ministries/Departments have been advised to give priority in the implementation of their schemes in these 338 towns.
  • Three  scholarship schemes for minority communities  namely, pre-matric scholarship from class –I to X, post-matric scholarship from class XI to PhD and merit-cum-means scholarship for technical and professional courses at under-graduate and post-graduate levels have been launched.  Under these schemes, Rs. 1094.94 crore have been sanctioned for award of scholarships to 62.72 lakh students belonging to minority communities in 2011-12 upto 31st March, 2012.  Further, a fellowship scheme called Maulana Azad National Fellowship Scheme for M.Phil and Ph.D scholars has been under implementation. 756 fellowships and 3778 renewals have been sanctioned by University Grants Commission (UGC) and financial assistance for Rs. 51.98 crore has been released up to March, 2012.
  • The corpus of Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF), which stood at  Rs. 100 crore, was doubled to Rs. 200 crore in December, 2006.  The corpus was, however, increased during 11th Plan period to Rs. 750 crore.  Under the scheme of MAEF, since 2007-08, 419 NGOs have been given grants-in-aid for infrastructure development of educational institutions and 48471 scholarships were awarded to meritorious girls in classes-XI and XII.
  • A revised     Coaching           and       Allied   scheme  was       launched            in        2006-07. Against the target of 6000 candidates for 2011-12, financial assistance has been given to 7830 students/candidates belonging to minority communities.  Funds to the tune of Rs.15.98 crore have been released against the budget provision of Rs. 16 crore, upto31st March, 2012.
  • A Multi- sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) was launched in 90 identified minority concentration districts in 2008-09.  Plans of 90 minority concentration districts(fully in 70 and partly in 20 districts) in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam,Manipur, Bihar, Meghalaya, Jharkhand, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Orissa, Maharashtra,Karnataka, Kerala, Uttrakhand, Mizoram, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh,Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh have been approved and Rs.2941.60 crore released toState Governments and Union Territory Administrations up to 31st March, 2012 sincelaunching of the programme.

Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

A dedicated cell is being created in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation for setting up NDB. The Ministry has addressed letters to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for NRHM, Ministry of HRD for Sarvashiksha Abhiyaan and the Ministry of Rural Development for SGSY, IAY, MGNREGA & PMGSY to expedite the supply of block level data.

 Planning  Commission

  • An autonomous Assessment & Monitoring Authority (AMA), to analyse data collected for taking appropriate and corrective policy decisions, was set up in the Planning Commission. Since the term of the AMA ended on 15th January, 2011,  the Planning Commission has reconstituted the AMA and the newly reconstituted  AMA   has conducted few meetings.
  • A comprehensive institutional structure for fostering skill development has been set up inPlanning Commission to address the skill development needs of the country including minorities. It includes National Council on Skill Development, National Skill Development Coordination Board and a National Skill Development Corporation.

Department of Personnel and Training

  • Department of Personnel & Training has developed training modules for sensitization of government officials. These modules have been sent to the Central/ State TrainingInstitutes for training.
  • State Governments and Union Territory Administrations have been advised byDepartment of Personnel & Training for posting of Muslim police personnel in Thanas and Muslim health personnel and teachers in Muslim concentration areas. Guidelines have also been issued by Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Human Resource Development and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare advising States/UTs for similar action.

Ministry of Home Affair

            A Working Group in the National Advisory Council (NAC) drafted a Bill titled “Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice & Reparations) Bill, 2011”.  The NAC sent the Bill to Ministry of Home Affairs on 25.07.2011.  The draft Bill is under examination in Ministry of Home Affairs.

Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of Housing &  Urban Poverty Alleviation

For facilitating the flow of funds under the Jawarharlal Nehru National Urban RenewalMission (JNNURM), Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and MediumTowns (UIDSSMT), Integrated Housing & Slum Development Programme (IHSDP) and Basic Services  for Urban Poor  (BSUP) to towns and cities, having a substantial concentration ofminority population, necessary steps have been taken to ensure that Detailed Project Reports(DPRs) for such towns and cities include adequate provisions for minorities.  The progress during 2011-12 are-:

  • Under UIDSSMT, Rs. 2672.34 crore has been sanctioned for 88 towns having a substantial minority population.
  • Under IHSDP, projects costing Rs. 1962.34 crore are for 102 towns having a substantial minority population.
  • Under BSUP, Rs.7174.67 crore out of total project cost of Rs. 30094.90 crore has been sanctioned for 17 towns.
  • Under UIG, Rs.9248.63 crore has been sanctioned for 17 towns.

Governments of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Chhatisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Lakshadweep, Puducherry and Kerala have given exemption to WaqfBoard properties from Rent Control Act, while Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland have informed that no Waqf property exists in these States.

Ministry of Labour and Employment

An Act has been passed by the Parliament for providing social security to workers inthe un-organized sector, which, inter- alia, includes home based workers.

Ministry of Culture

Meetings of Archeological Survey of India have been held with Central Wakf Councilto review the list of waqf properties which are under the Archeological Survey of India.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Dissemination of information regarding health and family welfare schemes is beingundertaken in regional languages in minority concentration areas.

Ministry of Panchayati Raj/Urban Development

State Governments have been advised by Ministry of Panchayati Raj and Ministry ofUrban Development to improve representation of minorities in local bodies.  As per information furnished by Ministry of Panchayati Raj, States/UTs of Uttarakhand, Kerala, West Bengal and Lakshadweep have mentioned that provisions for ensuring  representation of minorities in District and Panchayat level exist.  The State Governments of Himachal Pradesh and Orissa have informed that the matter is under consideration.

Ministry of Urban Development has informed that State Governments of Kerala, West Bengal and Haryana have implemented the guidelines.

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting

The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has been regularly releasing features of various themes associated with minority welfare covering issues such as scholarship schemes, area development initiatives, etc.  taken in pursuance of the Sachar Committee Report.

                  The socio-economic schemes/measures arising out of the Sachar Committee recommendations are being implemented on a continuous basis and have not been limited to any specific time period.



*With inputs from the Ministry of Minority Affairs.


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