Implementation of Coffee Debt Relief Package, 2010




The Coffee Debt Relief Package – 2010 (CDRP,2010) is being implemented by the Coffee Board in coordination with the Banks in accordance with the extant guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time. As regards the benefit of waiver to small growers, the Coffee Board is also receiving reimbursement claims from the banks towards the Government share of the waiver. So far, claim statements from 18 banks involving a sum of Rs.53 crore benefiting 23,652 small coffee growers have been received. As regards reschedulement of eligible amounts, the Convener, State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC), Karnataka had finalized draft guidelines in consultation with other bankers and Indian Bankers Association (IBA), whereon the RBI has advised that correctly reflecting the asset quality in balance sheets and providing to them as per the prudential requirements is a must to preserve the robustness of the banking system.

As per available records with the Coffee Board, the estimated overall liability of the coffee growers is around Rs. 1200 crore. Besides the relief given to small coffee growers in the form of CDRP, 2010, to the tune of Rs. 241 crore covering 74,929 small coffee growers (95% of the total benificiaries), various assistance and incentives are being provided to them through Development Support Scheme of the Coffee Board of India during XI Plan.

This information was given by Shri Jyotiraditya M Scindia, Minister of State for Commerce and Industry,


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