Husband Entitled to Maintenance from Wife, Says Bombay High Court


Mumbai  : The Bombay High Court has ruled on a petition that just as a wife demands maintenance from her husband after divorce, in the same way the husband also has the right to demand maintenance from his wife. If the husband is unemployed due to illness or any other reason, he can ask for alimony from his wife during divorce. The court said that the husband also has this legal right

The Bombay High Court has allowed a divorced husband in Kalyan, adjacent to Mumbai, to pay alimony of Rs 10,000 every month to his wife. Actually, Kalyan Sahdiwani judge gave this order to the wife on 13 March 2020. The wife had challenged this decision in the High Court.

Judge Sharmila Deshmukh has rejected the challenge petition filed by the wife in the Bombay High Court. It is reported that due to mutual differences the husband decided to seek divorce. For this he approached the Welfare Court. After filing the divorce petition, the wife filed an application for maintenance.

During this time, the husband also filed an application to get maintenance allowance from the wife. Since the woman’s husband is ill and unemployed, her application was accepted. While giving its verdict, the Kalyan Court said that the husband is ill and also unemployed. Therefore, the wife should pay maintenance to her husband. Interim maintenance allowance was fixed at the rate of Rs 10,000 per month. Now Bombay High Court has also upheld this decision in favor of the husband.


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