HRD Clarification on resignation of IIT-Delhi Director

New Delhi,
A wide section of media has carried a news itemthat IIT-Delhi Director has resigned resisting government pressure. The Ministry of HRD has given the following clarification in this regard.

  • The news item reported in the media is factually inaccurate and incorrect and unnecessarily drags the Ministry into issues where no direction has been issued by the Ministry.
  • There is neither any request from Sachin Tendulkar for the ground of IIT for running a Cricket Academy nor any instruction from Ministry of HRD to provide the same.
  • Ministry of HRD has neither forwarded Mr.Swamy’s request to IIT-Delhi nor given any direction to make payment of arrears to Mr.Swamy. Views of DoPT and Finance Ministry have been sought on the matter.
  • Chairman, IIT-Delhi has forwarded Director’s resignation letter on 26th December evening for Appointing Authority’s decision following due process. Resignation can only be accepted by the Appointing Authority. It will have to go to the President for his approval as the Visitor of IIT-Delhi.


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