– Dr Satnam Singh Chhabra –
Proper eating and spending quality time in fitness centers are not the only way to keep you healthy and active. Small things that are part of our day to day activities also play an important role in keeping us fit. Every 1 in 3 rd person today is facing lifestyle prone health hazards. Cervical problems, back pain, migraine, knee pain, spinal issues sound so normal these days. In the last few years some serious problems like Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and Slipped Disc have also been observed among very young working people.
Have we ever wondered why we have become prone to these problems? Have we given thought to the reason? One of the major reasons could be our work place, the place where we spend maximum hours, days and years of our lives. No matter how much you try keeping yourself up to the mark in work, fashion, looks and social activities but if one is not fit from inside, one cannot give their best in any of the above.
Neuro Spinal issues have become so common these days regardless of your age. People in age group of early 20’s are getting prone to these problems out of which slipped disc, low back pain, cervical are observed in majority. Slipped disc problem can occur due to various reasons. Sometimes the main reason for the cause is due to making some simple moves like bending down in a wrong position or lifting some heavy objects. Slipped disc can also hit you while doing some regular and common activities in your daily routine such as changing poses during sleep, driving for long hours, sitting in a wrong posture for long hours in sedentary jobs.
It is imperative to check with your small activities that have become a part of your lifestyle in day to day routine. Symptoms that warns you of might be getting prone to these problems includes early morning stiffness, constant back pain that rises while lying on bed at night, numbness in legs and feet, muscle aches, weakness while walking, headache and shoulder pain. And if you find these signs hitting you then here are some tips that will not only help you to stay fit and light at you work place but will also prevent you to get prone to those elderly health issues.
Instead of being a lazy bee make sure that you walk in the nearby parking the morning. If the weather doesn’t permit then spend some time on the treadmill. Always walk to the nearby metro station, park your vehicle a little away so that you walk towards it. Always take stairs at the work place instead of the lift.
Driving or travelling in a car is also one of the major causes for back ache problems, especially with the profession which demands travelling for long hours. To avoid this problem always follow the rule of sitting with the knees in level to hips. One can go for some ergonomic options to keep back and posture in a natural and comfortable manner. Use an artificial back support. Keeping wrong distance from steering wheel can give you trouble in wrist, back, neck, arms, shoulders and spine. So make sure that along with the right sitting posture your distance from your steering wheel is also right. Your chest should be parallel to your steering wheel.
Most importantly, a terrible work station can aggravate lot of problems like, knee pain, poor eye sight, constant headache, strain in back and neck and lots more. So make sure where you are going to spend long productive hours is right for you. Keep a footrest to raise the knees in level with the hips. Your office chair should be in such a shape that its back pushes your lower back slightly forward. One should fit to the height of computer screen. If chair can’t be adjusted then use a stand or books to amend the height of your screen.
You can also try some light exercises that can be followed while sitting at office chair only. Sit straight and stretch your legs with toes facing upward. Now try to raise them to 30°- 40° and slowly put them down without touching the ground. Now repeat this for 10-15 times. This will not only keep your belly in, but will strengthen your lower back too. Another exercise that you can do is; drop down a pen or pencil on floor and try to lift it with your toe fingers, and practice the same with both feet one by one. After every one or two hours strive to go for a round in office, if space is not enough then try to go outside, and if you don’t see anyone around then stretch out your arms and body for a few seconds. Don’t be embarrassed to do so. It is a question of your health. You may even end up setting an example for others too.
One of the common reasons for occurring sudden Low back pain is the wrong bending position therefore you should always take care that you don’t pick anything from ground by bending directly. Always follow the squatting position that is first sit on your knees and then pick the object.
And if you feel unexplained numbness and tingling sensation at your finger tips especially the thumb, index, and middle finger of the hand then it can be a sign of Carpal tunnel Syndrome which is caused due to work involving wrist movement, persistent typing work, or use of mouse and keyboard. So giving rest to wrist is also essential and to avoid this one more lifestyle generated problem make sure that you give rest to your hand and wrist in few intervals. Try to keep your hand and wrist in straight position while working and by keeping your posture right.
Your diet intake also plays a vital role to keep you at bay from such health problems. So ensure that you consume healthy and leafy vegetables. And to keep you fresh and active if staying up for long working hours in office then always opt for fresh fruits, juice and coconut water as a light snack. Avoid fried and fattening food and go for low carb options like salads.
Dr Satnam Singh Chabbra
Neurosurgeon / Senior Consultant
Dr Satnam Singh Chabbra is a Senior Consultant and the Vice Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. He has been associated with this hospital since 1992. Dr. Chhabra has performed the largest number of Endoscopic Disc Surgeries in India and has designed a special instrument for Endoscopic Disc Surgery. This has been submitted for patent.
Dr. Satnam Singh Chhabra is reputed for Endoscopic Disc Surgery which is a technique to treat a common problem of Disc Prolapse or Sciatica.Patients are operated through a small minimally invasive surgery with a small cut in the back with no stitches given and the patients are allowed to walk in a few hours after the surgery and even discharged from the hospital within 24 Hrs. The patients owund is small enough to be covered by an band-aid and this is why the surgery is commonly named a “Band Aid Surgery”. Patients from India and Overseas have benefitted from this surgery.
Dr. Chhabra is a member of Neurological Society of India, Delhi Neurological Association and Spinal Cord Society of India. DR. Chhabra has been a faculty at various conferences in India and abroad.
contact – : Mobile No.9811049762 – Email – : drchhabra@hotmail.com
Disclaimer : The views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC NEWS.
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