Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat today launched the Uttarakhand chapter of FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) , the women business wing of apex business body Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) here in Dehradun.
“Uttarakhand Government is committed to empowering women as they are a major force in improving the economic status of their families and contribute to the development of the State. As all-round development of the state is not possible without the empowerment of women Hence, the State government has come up with several initiatives for the welfare of women and their empowerment.” Said Mr Rawat while launching the FICCI Ladies Organisation’s Uttarakhand chapter.
“We recognise the key role of women in economic growth of the nation, We welcome opening of FLO chapter in Uttarakhand and want industrialists, particularly women entrepreneurs, to make use of the cordial industrial relations in the State to facilitate investment, help strengthen the state’s economy and create job opportunities especially for women >Government will seriously plan suggestions made by FLo including setting up of industrial parks for women and mahila haats “ he said,
“As part of its endeavour to widen its reach for women empowerment across the nation, FLO has launched it’s 14th chapter in Dehradun, Uttarakhand . FLO currently has chapters in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow- Kanpur, Ludhiana, Mumbai, North East and Pune with its head office in Delhi.” Said Ms Vasvi Bharat Ram, President, FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) .
“FLO endeavours to promote women entrepreneurs and professionals and assist women entrepreneurs to grow them professionally in the hill State and the launch of this Chapter will help bring existing entrepreneurs, potentials entrepreneurs and other professionals under the FLO umbrella. ” said Ms Bharat Ram.
“To accelerate women’s participation in the process of economic development, the first step is to develop and promote entrepreneurship among women – and for this concerted effort is required from the Industry, government and the society. And the second and the most important step is for the women themselves to discover their talent and unleash the entrepreneur within. FLO plays a crucial tool in sensitizing and educating the women, empowering them and bringing them to the fore front”.Said Ms Bharat Ram.
“Apart from woman empowerment and improving the economy of the state , FLO urges Uttarakhand government to create women industrial parks,set up Mahila haats, procure government products from women businesses, create skill development fund for women, and increase land ownership of women in the state.” said Ms Bharat Ram
“FLO will also help promote and raise public support for gender parity in the state. The child sex ratio in the Hill state is heavily skewed against the girl child. FLO. Uttarakhand chapter is organising an All Women car rally tomorrow to support the cause of saving the girl child. The rally will be flagged off by Uttarakhand Hon Uttarakhand CM from his residence “ said Ms Shilpi Arora, Chairperson of newly launched FLO Uttarakhand chapter while speaking on the occasion.
Ms Rekha Arya, State Minister for Women Empowerment & Child Development along with along with Dia Mirza , Bollywood cine star , Producer & UN Environment Ambassador were present on the occasion.
FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO), the women business wing of the Federation of Indian chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) is widening its reach to various regions across the nation and creating a niche as a pan- India organization for women empowerment. FLO headquartered in New Delhi already has 13 chapters other than Uttarakhand set-up across India, representing over 5000 women entrepreneurs and professionals.
Eminent Flo members from various parts of the country present on the occasion included Ms Vinita Bimbhet, , Ms Poonam Mahajan, Monika Chaudhary, Ms Rashmi Sarita, Ms Komal Batra, Ms Pooja Aggarwal, and Ms Nazia Yusuf Izudin.