First ever Punjabi book on Everest released

3Kulbir Singh Kalsi,

  • ‘Everest 1996 ‘ tells a gripping story of 78-day 1st Indian ascent from North-Col to Everest

Mr. Mohinder Singh, Commandant (Retd.), ITBP released his Punjabi book ‘Everest 1996′ today. It was released by Mr. Gulzar Singh Sandhu, aprominent Punjabi writer & winner of prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award at Press Club, Chandigarh.

The author was a Leader of ITBP expedition to Everest through North-Col route in 1996. Interestingly Everest had been climbed through 13 principal different routes since 1953. But the most formidable and difficult route is the approach from North Col- Tibet (China).

Published by Unistar Books Pvt. Limited, Chandigarh, ‘Everest 1996’ is a gripping story, climber’s un­ending determination to win a mountain and of nature’s chilling riposte, resolute character. And final acceptance of sacrifice, a disastrous the cliff walk, death trap atop the world, dead climber’s walk, the dead and the daring defy of universal Moral rule. How victory fever repelled the mountaineers whose physio-psychological assessment  was graded.

The book unfolds step by step the captivating drama of single-minded human efforts pitted against innumerable odds, the stark elements thrust at the dramatic personae: nail biting excitement, jolt of setbacks, throbbing anticipation, tantalising goal, pain and agony of three tragic deaths, anguish of anxiety, triumph and tragedy… “Sweet and Sour”, sorrow, happiness, aching and joys.

Day to day account of Everest, North-Col, 1996 carves a new niche into the deep heart and uprightness, sincerity of purpose, will to suffer for the cause, loyalty unalloyed, robustness and ability to guide able leadership to establish the credibility of Indian Police Force in the face of calamity.

And before the sounds of victory fade out to be seen in the book of mountaineering history, the country salutes the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force and the members for bringing name, fame and glory for the country….

The Author brings the 78 days climbing adventure encapsulated right in to your library, drawing room… even though an arm-chair one. A compulsive and authoritative reading for the youth and those who make mountain-sport seriously.

The book ends on historical feat of reaching the top but not before infamous tragedy where 3 members of team lost their lives while getting stuck in worst ever snow blizzard .


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