Economic Survey of Haryana

Haryana,INVC, invcINVC,


Haryana’s economy has grown at an excellent average annual growth rate of  9.3 per cent during last seven years  from 2005-06 to 2011-12.

This is revealed in the Economic Survey of the State for the year 2012-13 released today.

The survey states that the economic growth of Haryana has been exemplary since its creation in 1966 with an average annual growth rate of 6.4 per cent during   1966-67 to 2004-05.

As per the Advance Estimates for the year 2012-13, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the State at current prices has been recorded as Rs 3,53,440.44 crore registering the growth of 14.9 percent over 2011-12. At constant (2004-05) prices, the GDP is expected to reach at the level of  Rs 1,91,820.76 crore in 2012-13 with the growth rate of 7.1 percent.

During   last 10 years, the pace of structural transformation of State economy accelerated and the State is set on a high growth trajectory. Consequent upon the robust growth recorded in Services Sector, the share of Services Sector in State GDP further strengthened to 54.6 percent with the decrease in the share of agriculture and allied sector at 16.7 percent in 2011-12.

The per capita income of the State at constant (2004-05) prices as per advance estimates is expected to reach  the level of  Rs 66,410 during 2012-13 as against Rs 62,927 in 2011-12 indicating an increase of 5.5 per cent during 2012-13. At current prices, the State per capita income is likely to reach at the level of  Rs 1,23,554 during 2012-13 as compared to that of Rs 1,09,064 in 2011-12 showing an increase of 13.3 percent during 2012-13. The   State has highest per capita income amongst the large States in the Country.

Haryana is one of the most progressive States in the country. It has been a pioneer State in carrying out fiscal reforms and our fiscal management is reckoned as one of the best in the country. The Planning Commission has also appreciated the State Government for the reform initiatives taken in various sectors.

The gross area sown in the State during 1966-67 was 45.99 lakh hectare which has increased to 65.05 lakh hectare during 2011-12. During the year  2012-13, the gross area sown in the State is likely to be 65 lakh hectare. The contribution of area under wheat and paddy crops to the total gross area sown is about 58 per cent. The area under paddy crop is estimated to be 12.15 lakh hectare in 2012 and the area under wheat crop is likely to be 25.05 lakh hectare in 2012-13.

A remarkable increase in foodgrains production is visible in Haryana State since its inception. The foodgrains production in the State has reached an impressive level of 183.42 lakh tonne during the year 2011-12, registering an increase of about seven times as compared to a meager 25.92 lakh tonne production in 1966-67. The wheat and paddy crops have played a major role in pushing up the agricultural production. The production of wheat and rice , which are the main cereal crops of the State, has achieved all time high. The production of wheat during 2011-12 was 130.69 lakh tonne and production of rice during 2011 was 37.59 lakh tonne, registering twelve fold increase in wheat and seventeen fold increase in rice production as compared to 10.59 lakh tonne and 2.23 lakh tonne production respectively during the 1966-67. The production of total foodgrains in the State is likely to be 176.21 lakh tonne in 2012-13. The production of rice is likely to be 39.76 lakh tonne in 2012. Similarly, the production of wheat is likely to be 124.34 lakh tonne in 2012-13. Keeping in view the increasing trend of tremendous achievements in Wheat productivity “Krishi Karman Award” with a cash prize amounting to Rs one crore along with citation trophy was awarded to the State for 2010-11 and the State has been given the same award again by the President of India on  January 15, 2013 at Rashterpati Bhawan, New Delhi.

   Haryana State continues to retain its position as a preferred investment destination. The rate of implementation of the pledged investment in Haryana is the highest in the country. Notwithstanding the market uncertainties and volatility at the international and national level, an investment of Rs 61,000 crore has been catalyzed in the State since 2005,  with an investment of about Rs  97,000 crore being in the pipeline. The State has so far received foreign direct investment of  Rs 13,128 crore, of which, investment of  Rs  9,628 crore has come up after the implementation of the Industrial Policy, 2005.  The total exports from the State have increased from Rs 48,530 crore during 2010-11 to   Rs 54,991 crore during 2011-12 registering an increase of more than 13 percent. The State has declared 2013 as the Year of ‘Industrial Development and Employment’.

The State has projected the size of 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17 at Rs 1,76,760 crore to the Planning Commission, Government of India. This outlay includes an amount of Rs 73,570 crore for State Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) and Rs 13,190 crore for Local Bodies to be met out from their  own  resources. Excluding  the outlay of Public Sector Enterprises and  Local Bodies, the Net State Plan Outlay for 12th Five Year Plan 2012-17    is     Rs 90,000 crore.  While allocating plan outlay for the Departments, States Plan strategy of growth with social justice and welfare will be continued during the 12th Five Year Plan


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